
UA Startup SinfoníaRx Acquired by Health Care Tech Company
September 6, 2017

University of Arizona startup SinfoníaRx, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinfonía HealthCare Corporation, has been acquired by Tabula Rasa HealthCare (NASDAQ: TRHC), a public health care company that provides individualized, data-driven technology solutions.

UA Team Tackles Better Brain Health for Heart Patients
September 5, 2017

A trial will look at whether a naturally occurring compound, known as angiotensin 1-7, relieves cognitive deficits after heart bypass. University of Arizona collaborators include Sarver Heart Center director and chief of the Division of Cardiology, Dr. Nancy Sweitzer, physiologist Meredith Hay and psychologist Lee Ryan...

Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoids Show Promise for Pain Relief
September 5, 2017

The UA's Todd Vanderah and his colleagues have been studying the class of chemical compounds, which may help people find pain relief brought about by metastatic breast cancer.

UA-Invented Sunscreen Licensed to Leading Aloe Vera Supplier
September 1, 2017

Professor Douglas Loy and graduate student Stephanie Tolbert develop their research and bring it to the world through commercialization. The novel formulation binds oxybenzone — the active ingredient in most over-the-counter sunscreens — in such a way that it does not seep into the skin…

Dr. Abbaszadegan will Lead the Clinical Informatics Fellowship with Plans to Revolutionize Health Care Through Information Technology
September 1, 2017

The new director of the Clinical Informatics Fellowship at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix has plans to revolutionize health care.

Two Projects to Promote Translational Research Win $100K UA Cancer Center Support Grants
August 31, 2017

Two projects underscoring basic/clinical partnerships in translational research have been awarded the two-year, $100,000 grants from the University of Arizona Cancer Center. Congratulations to Drs. Linda Garland and Heidi Hamann and Drs. Daruka Mahadevan and Nathan Ellis. This award is supported by the NCI Cancer Center Support Grant…

Join Us on Sept. 9 for ‘Beyond Cancer: Finding Spirit’
August 30, 2017
The focus of this year’s event is “finding spirit” after cancer treatment. Presenters include keynote speaker Miguel Flores Jr. CEO/president of Holistic Wellness Counseling and Consultant Services.

Infectious Diseases Clinician Hooshang Nematollahi Passes Away
August 29, 2017

UA Infectious Diseases nurse practitioner Hooshang Nematollahi, 62, passed away Friday, Aug. 25, 2017, after a long battle with thyroid cancer. His funeral was Aug. 28. A 2008 Fab Fifty nurse in Tucson, Hooshang was the lead clinician for the UA Refugee Preventive Health Screening Program and also worked with patients in the Petersen HIV Clinic. A native of Iran, he had worked previously in oncology, surgery and transplant services…

UA Cancer Center Presents Strategy No. 5 of ‘Bear Down. Beat Cancer. Top 5 Strategies for Reducing Skin Cancer Risk’
August 29, 2017

Your skin health is important regardless of the season. In five weekly installments in August, each Tuesday, the University of Arizona Cancer Center is presenting a strategy for enjoying the sun’s benefits while protecting yourself from cancer-causing UV radiation. This week’s strategy: Skin Cancer Screening

‘Fighting Fire With Food: An Expert's Inside Look at Nutrition and Inflammation...What Does the Science Say?,’ Subject of UA Arthritis Center Lecture, Sept. 6
August 25, 2017
Free and open to the public, the lecture by Ann Skulas-Ray, PhD, UA professor of nutritional sciences, will include detailed information about inflammation and where research is headed. At the conclusion of her lecture, she will be joined by fellow UA Professor Donato Romagnolo, MSc, PhD, for an epilogue on “The Mediterranean Diet and its Impact on Inflammation.” Both professors will host the question-and-answer session.

National Institutes of Health Awards $4.8 Million to UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence to Develop Vaccine
August 24, 2017

The center will use the money to accelerate development of a Valley fever vaccine for dogs that one day may lead to a successful human vaccine. A California-based biotech company and Colorado State University have joined the center in the effort.

UA/Banner Respiratory Therapy Team Takes Statewide Award
August 23, 2017

Kevin Marr, director of respiratory care services at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South campuses, announced last week the Banner – UMC Tucson Respiratory Therapy team had won statewide recognition as the AzSRC Respiratory Therapy Department of the Year. The honor was presented to the team at the Arizona Society of Respiratory Care (AzSRC) annual conference in Phoenix…

NIH Awards $4.8M Grant to UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence to Accelerate Vaccine Development
August 22, 2017

The center, led by Dr. John Galgiani, will use the money to speed development of a Valley fever vaccine for dogs that it’s hoped will lead to a successful human vaccine. A California-based biotech company, Anivive Lifesciences, which has licensed the candidate vaccine from the UA, and Colorado State University have joined the center in that effort…

UA Integrative Medicine Residency Program Flourishes
August 22, 2017

Faculty at the UA Center for Integrative Medicine have shown that an online approach works in training more family-medicine residents in integrative medicine. An article in the journal Family Medicine underscores the success of the program in raising awareness, educating and training physicians of the future and other clinical practitioners in alternative and integrative medicine approaches to patient care...

UA Cancer Center Presents Strategy No. 4 of ‘Bear Down. Beat Cancer. Top 5 Strategies for Reducing Skin Cancer Risk’
August 22, 2017
Your skin health is important regardless of the season. In five weekly installments in August, each Tuesday, the University of Arizona Cancer Center is presenting a strategy for enjoying the sun’s benefits while protecting yourself from cancer-causing UV radiation. This week’s strategy: Perform Regular Self-Exams

UAHS Healthy Dose Blog Focuses on Your Brain, Healing Ceremonies, Lung Cancer & Sun Safety
August 21, 2017

If you haven’t kept up with the UA Health Sciences’ Healthy Dose Blog, you might be missing some interesting stories on and by colleagues. Topics this summer include “NURSE-ing Your Brain to Protect it From Stress,” “The Healing Power of Ceremony,” “How Precision Medicine is Directing Cancer Therapy Today” and “Eight Ways to Play it Safe in the Sun”…

UA Center on Aging Awarded Grant to Continue End-of-Life Education with Medical Students
August 21, 2017

The David and Lura Lovell Foundation, which funded an award-winning end-of-life documentary that includes mention of the Living Will Project at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, has provided a nearly $30,000 grant to continue the educational program for UA medical students. The program teaches them about the importance of advanced care planning and directives and how to communicate with patients and their families on the subject… 

Chief Residents, Community Providers from Across Southern Arizona Participate in Complex Care Training through UA Center on Aging
August 18, 2017

The 8th Annual Interprofessional Chief Resident Immersion Training (IP-CRIT) Program, hosted by UA Center on Aging and College of Medicine – Tucson at Starr Pass Resort, June 10-11, provided leadership, skills and specialized training for Banner – University Medical Center and community-based clinicians. Participating were 39 chief residents with Banner – UMC Tucson and—for the first time—a dozen community providers from Nogales and Sells, Ariz., and Chicago…

ASN Kidney News Shines on ‘All of Us’ Research Program in Arizona
August 17, 2017

UA nephrologist Dr. Akinlolu Ojo, a principal investigator on the Arizona All of Us℠/Precision Medicine Initiative Research Program, was quoted in an article on the program that appears in the August issue of the ASN Kidney News, a publication of the American Society of Nephrology. Read the full article here…

UA Study Finds Energy-Dense Foods May Increase Cancer Risk Among Women of Normal Weight
August 17, 2017
A new study led by Cynthia Thomson, PhD, RD, professor of health promotion sciences at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, reveals a link between processed foods and cancer risk in women who are not overweight.
