Banner Unveils New Website – is no more

Assistance requested in reviewing site to fix any broken links, ensure accuracy of content

Banner Health’s new website was unveiled today at 10:45 a.m.

The newly designed, mobile- and customer-friendly public website,, replaces the legacy website left over from prior to Banner’s merger with the University of Arizona Health Network in late February 2015.

Among points made in an email to Banner employees on the topic were the site’s accessibility via any electronic device—smartphone, tablet or computer. Features touted include:

  • Find a Doctor – This tool features profiles to help customers find Banner Medical Group (BMG), Banner – University Medical Group (BUMG), Banner Health Network (BHN) and other credentialed hospital-based doctors convenient to them.  Users can also customize their search based on location, accepted insurance plans, gender, languages and hospital affiliations.
  • Geotargeting – This tool allows customers to search for services based on the location that is convenient to them – at home, at work or on the road.
  • The option to sign up to receive an electronic newsletter with information, events and classes near you.

The same information that populates the Find a Doctor tool will also be utilized for (800) 230-2273 (CARE), Banner’s referral and registration line.  Doctors are encouraged to review their profile over the next few weeks as Banner actively works to enhance doctor information. Requests for changes to reflect the most up-to-date, accurate information should be submitted by clicking on this doctor profile link.

Banner requests feedback if you find other inaccurate information or broken links. Change requests can be submitted by clicking on this content review link.

The new Banner website may also affect links on the new UA Department of Medicine website, particularly in the "Patient Care" sections for each division. Please relay any fixes that may need to be made to DOM communications coordinator David Mogollón: — in your email, be sure to include the URL address for the webpage you're referring to and what the error is.

 “Coming Soon: New website for Banner - UMC” — includes video highlighting new features (click image to view)
 Release Date: 04/22/2016 - 5:00pm

Release Date: 
06/29/2016 - 5:30pm