Dr. Parthasarathy Gives You Reasons to Sleep in Via U.S. News & World Report Article

Woman sleepingIn an article posted to its website Monday, April 23, U.S. News & World Report quotes University of Arizona professor of medicine, Sairam Parthasarathy, MD, on the practicalities of proper sleep for your health and how today’s hyper-connected globe works against that, affecting your wellbeing in more ways than just sleep.

Dr. Sairam ParthasarathyFor instance, he notes that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to be overweight.

But with smart phones, electronic tablets, and some bosses without boundaries pinging us with texts or emails 24-7, the article says, “‘bedtime’ rarely stands a chance.”

“We are abusing our bodies more now,” said Dr. Parthasarathy, director of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences at the UA Health Sciences and Center for Sleep Disorders at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson, as well as interim chief, UA Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.

“I didn’t used to be able to see all my emails, multitask (and) text all from my bed.”

Now, we can.

U.S. News & World Report logo on globeThe article, “7 Great ‘Excuses’ to Go to Bed When the World Wants You to Stay Awake,” gives as excuse No. 1, “I don’t want to die.” The sentiment mirrors the theme of a panel discussion Dr. Parthasarathy participated in on April 13 at the Association of Health Care Journalists national conference, Health Journalism 2018, in Phoenix, “Is lack of sleep killing us?”

Read about why it may or may not be (as well as the six other excuses to sleep in) here: https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/2018-04-23/7-great-excuses-to-go-to-bed-when-the-world-wants-you-to-stay-awake(link is external)

Other recommended reads from the magazine listed in the article are:

“UA Sleep Medicine Studies Focus of PCORI Videos, Article and National Journalist Panel Talk” | Posted April 16, 2018
“Several UA Department of Medicine Docs to Serve on Panels at National Health Journalist Event” | Posted March 8, 2018
“I GOT MY AWARD…NOW WHAT?! – Post-Award Management for Principal Investigators” | Posted Jan. 26, 2018
“Dr. Parthasarathy Picked for UA Academic Leadership Institute Fellowship” | Posted July 13, 2017

Release Date: 
04/23/2018 - 5:30pm