Banner begins offering groundbreaking atrial fibrillation device in Tucson

[Mathew Hutchinson, MD, and his cardiac electrophysiology team at Banner - University Medical Center Tucson after completing the first cardiac ablation procedure on March 4 in Tucson using the new FARAPULSE Pulsed Field Ablation System, a new atrial fibrillation treatment to treat irregular fast heart rate.]Banner – University Medicine Tucson began providing a new atrial fibrillation treatment to treat irregular fast heart rate and performed its first procedure with the new device on March 4. The FARAPULSE Pulsed Field Ablation System is a catheter device that uses electric fields during an ablation procedure to treat specific tissue areas around the heart that cause potentially life-threatening arrhythmia.

Banner is the first in the western U.S. region to take advantage of this innovative new device approved by the Food and Drug Administration in January.

Mathew Hutchinson, MD, performed the first procedure with the technology in Tucson. Dr. Hutchinson specializes in treating and researching complex heart rhythm disorders, such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia at Banner – University Medicine. He is director of the cardiac electrophysiology program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson’s Division of Cardiology in the Department of Medicine, where he’s also vice chair for clinical operations, and the UArizona Sarver Heart Center.

[Boston Scientific’s FARAPULSE Pulsed Field Ablation System is a catheter device that uses electric fields during an ablation procedure to treat specific tissue areas around the heart that cause potentially life-threatening arrhythmia.]“The FARAPULSE PFA System has been proven to reduce risks for complications for the patient and which lead to better outcomes and quality of care. We are fortunate to offer this innovative technology to our community,” said Dr. Hutchinson.

Wilber Su, MD, Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix electrophysiology director, was a principal investigator for the device’s clinical trial phase at Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix and performed the first procedure with the technology in the western U.S. on Feb. 15.

[A Boston Scientific illustration of how the catheter device in the FARAPULSE Pulsed Field Ablation System functions treating tissues in the heart.]In typical ablation procedures, catheters produce extremely hot or cold temperatures to destroy tissue, which poses a small risk of causing damage to other surrounding areas and complications like pulmonary vein stenosis or esophageal injury. The FARAPULSE PFA System doesn’t rely on extreme temperatures and treats only specifically targeted areas of heart tissue, significantly minimizing risks of complications related to ablation. Additionally, data from the device’s clinical trial period found that its use made for quicker procedure times and better learning curves for physicians.

Since 2021, the device has been used to successfully treat thousands of patients in nine different countries.

Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib, affects about seven million Americans and it is estimated that 12 million people in the U.S. will have it by 2030, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People who suffer from the condition are at a higher risk for stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications. The FARAPULSE PFA System, which was developed by Boston Scientific, offers hope to some of this population.

“As an academic medical center, our work is focused on bridging patient care and research and by investing in innovative technology like Farapulse, we’re offering patients the most premier care available so that they can get back to living their normal lives,” said Sarah Frost, CEO of Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and Banner – University Medical Center South.

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A version of the above story also appeared in the March 7, 2024, Banner – University Medicine Tucson Leadership Update newsletter.

Original story link.

“Banner Health first in western U.S. to use groundbreaking new device treating atrial fibrillation” (Banner Health) | Posted Feb. 15, 2024

Release Date: 
03/04/2024 - 10:30am