Welcome to the Division of Nephrology in the University of Arizona, College of Medicine - Tucson. We are proud that U.S. News & World Report has ranked our program in the top 50 in the country (20182016, 2015) and continues to rate us as high performing for patient care. As the only academic division of nephrology in the state of Arizona, our goal is to provide high quality clinical nephrology care to our patients, to develop innovative and topical research programs that will impact upon the care that we deliver to our patients, and to be a teaching and training resource to our community...

Bekir Tanriover, MD, MPH, MBA, FAST
Chief, Division of Nephrology


The Division of Nephrology in the University of Arizona Department of Medicine and Banner University Medical Center – Tucson has active programs in clinical nephrology, teaching and training of fellows and residents, and a range of research opportunities. An important focus of the division is to emphasize translational and multi-disciplinary programs that truly go from bedside to bench to bedside in advancing patient care solutions.

At the clinical level, U.S. News & World Report has ranked nephrology care here among the top 50 programs in the country. Division faculty members care for patients with acute kidney injury, glomerulonephritis, complex hypertension, bladder and kidney stones, and chronic kidney disease (CKD). We are one of only four kidney transplant programs in the state of Arizona and have had a recent surge in kidney transplant activity, which has greatly benefitted our community. We also care for an increasing number of patients on hemodialysis, and have a growing home dialysis program (both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) as well. An important and unique strength has been our partnership with Dialysis Clinics Inc. (DCI) to create a nocturnal hemodialysis program.

Faculty members from the Division of Nephrology are also involved in multiple clinical trials (more than 10 trials at present) targeting diverse kidney problems such as chronic kidney disease, kidney transplantation, vascular access dysfunction and glomerulonephritis.

The Division of Nephrology also has vibrant research programs in CKD progression, organ transplantation, renal genomics, dialysis vascular access, device development and tissue engineering.

Last but not least, an important focus of the division is on mentorship. We recognize that our greatest strength is our faculty and fellows. And, while we are committed to growing our clinical and research portfolios, the most important thing that we want to grow and nurture is people—our staff, faculty and fellows!

News & Announcements

[Collage of images to recognize National Nurses Week, including Fabulous 50 flyer for Tucson events, Dr. Abby Fuoto and the 14 nurses from Banner – University Medicine included in the Fab 50.]
GGP Division news: Fab 50 nurse, SGIM National Women’s Caucus chair, CPC Pilot Award winner and new Societies Mentor

Read about Abby Fuoto, DNP, one of 14 Banner nurses in this year’s Fab 50; Indu Partha, MD, named chair of SGIM National Women’s Caucus; Anna Morenz, MD, wins Cancer Center CPC FY25 Pilot Award and Kris Abbate, MD, chosen as COM-T Societies Mentor.

[Image of Dominica Padilla for Woman of Impact fundraising campaign by Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Heart Association]
Local AHA chapter nominates DOM’s Dominica Padilla as ‘Woman of Impact’

The stroke survivor and DOM operations support program manager embraces recognition to help raise awareness, funds for women’s heart health for Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Heart Association. Read about her experience and help her win the title!

[Images of Department of Medicine faculty who won 2025 College of Medicine - Tucson  Faculty Awards presented Feb. 27 at the HSIB Forum on the U of A Health Sciences Tucson campus.]
Fanfare at 2025 College of Medicine – Tucson Faculty Teaching Awards Rewarding for All

The Department of Medicine took 19 of 68 total awards presented Feb. 27 at the HSIB Forum. Eight divisions were represented by faculty winners, with three each to Inpatient Medicine and General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics & Palliative Medicine, two to Hem-Onc, PACCS and Nephrology, and one for Cardiology, Endocrinology and Infectious Diseases. See who won and a mini-photo gallery.