Hematology and Oncology
Department of Medicine Distinguished Visiting Professor Lecture with Col. (Ret.) Ronald K. Poropatich, MD
Hosted by the University of Arizona Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and the Arizona Telemedicine Program:
SPEAKER: Distinguished Visiting Professor in Critical Care – Col. (Ret.) Ronald K. Poropatich, MD, MS
Director of the Center for Military Medicine Research, Health Sciences
Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine,
Faculty member, McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine,
University of Pittsburgh
‘The Power of Precision Medicine’ Theme of Living Healthy With Arthritis Conference, Feb. 16
TUCSON, Ariz. – Internationally recognized expert on genetics and genomic medicine Kenneth S. Ramos, MD, PhD, PharmB, will deliver the keynote address, “The Power of Precision Medicine,” at the University of Arizona Arthritis Center’s 17th Annual Living Healthy With Arthritis Conference, Saturday, Feb. 16, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
ID Faculty Candidate Presentation: ‘Mold and the Immunocompromised’
Presented by the University of Arizona Division of Infectious Diseases:
TOPIC: “Mold Infections in Immunocompromised Patients”
PRESENTER: Anne Spichler, MD, PhD
Friday, Jan. 18, 2019
11 - 11:55 a.m.
UAHS Room 6410
CBIO GIDP Oral Dissertation Defense: ‘Genomic Instability and Invasive Prostate Cancer’
Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program announces:
Final Oral Dissertation Defense
Integrative Health Grand Rounds: AZ Pain & Addiction Summit/Integrative DNP Faculty Presentation
The University of Arizona College of Nursing presents:
TOPIC: Integrative Health Grand Rounds
SPEAKERS: S. Renee Gregg, DNP, FNP-C, and Angela Brown, DNP, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, CDE | University of Arizona College of Nursing
Disparities in Care Provided to Vulnerable Populations: Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence
Join the Graduate Medical Education Spanish Language Health Care Disparities Distinction Track for the forum "Disparities in Care Provided to Vulnerable Populations: Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence."
The event will feature a brief screening questionnaire for health care providers to utilize. A speaker will also be present from the Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse.
This event is open to all students, faculty, staff and residents associated with the University of Arizona Health Sciences.
UA Environmental Health Pilot Project Funding Available for Up to $40,000
Mixer in Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Celebrate Diversity!
Join the College of Medicine - Tucson for a mixer to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday, Jan. 22 | 4 - 5:30 p.m.
Kiewit Auditorium, UA Cancer Center
Tips for Success: A Panel-led Discussion on Medical School, Residency and Work/Life Balance
Join the LEADRS (Leaders in Emerging Academic Development of Residents and Students) for "TIps for Success: A Panel-led Discussion on Medical School, Residency and Work/Life Balance."