
Quality education is a high priority for both, the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine – Tucson and the Department of Medicine. We seek to support and enhance the academic and professional journeys of our students, trainees and faculty in every way possible.

The Department of Medicine Educational Office assists in oversight of two distinct ACGME-accredited Residency Programs in Internal Medicine, the Dermatology Residency Program, 15 ACGME-accredited fellowships, and training for more than 140 residents and 80 fellows. We offer a wide variety of comprehensive training opportunities supervised by boarded, dedicated and nationally renowned faculty.

Amy Sussman, MD
Vice Chair of Education, Department of Medicine

Clerkships & Sub-Internships

Clerkships & sub-internships

A medicine clerkship is required. Sub-Internships and other medicine-specific electives can be found in the course catalog with the prefix "MEDI."

Residency Programs

Residency Programs

We host three programs for resident physicians to pursue specialty training in Internal Medicine and Dermatology.

Fellowship Programs

Fellowship Programs

The UA Department of Medicine offers 15 ACGME-accredited fellowship programs. Our Division of Integrative Medicine also offers an internationally recognized fellowship which is non-UA affiliated and non-ACGME accredited.

Medical Student Education

Medical school clinical training spans two years and includes the internal medicine clerkship, medicine/subspecialty electives and the internal medicine sub-internship.


NRMP/ACGME Recruitment Communication Requirement

The National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) and Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) have made it a requirement to make certain information available to all applicants for resident and fellow physician positions via the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson Graduate Medical Education Office. 

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Teaching Resources

The teaching resources page provides a range of resources from must read articles in education, educational tips, our teaching observation request site, the AAIM homepage, the AAMC Professional Development for Medical Educators homepage, and the Learn at ACGME homepage.

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