Research Spotlights

An elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and a member of the NIH Council of Councils as well as the NIDDK Board of Scientific Counselors, Dr. Juanita Merchant is a world-renowned molecular gastroenterologist whose contributions to the understanding of chronic inflammation and its association with gastric cancer have dramatically changed how we look at these issues.

Research of Dr. Steve Klotz spans a range of interests. Bites from kissing bugs are the most common cause of bite-associated anaphylaxis in the United States and, in his HIV research, his team is combatting depression and frailty in patients with computer-driven, virtual reality exercise games...

Dr. Clara Curiel’s research interests are in photobiology, early skin cancer detection, biomarker development and primary prevention. She has taken the initiative to address important clinical gaps in the skin cancer prevention field through innovative clinical study designs, and effective execution of clinical studies...

As program director of HIV Translational Research within the UA Division of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Lori Fantry is involved in several studies related to sexually transmitted diseases, HIV in women, HIV and comorbidities (including cancer, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis), HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, and latent TB among immigrants…

Dr. Kent Kwoh's research focuses on outcome assessment and examination of risk factors for the development and progression of a broad spectrum of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, most notably identification of MRI imaging biomarkers for the development and/or progression of knee osteoarthritis and related pain characterization...

Dr. Sasha Taleban’s research focuses on clinical characterization and management of patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, aka inflammatory bowel disease, particularly those of advanced age...

Dr. Janet Funk leads an NIH-funded cross-disciplinary translational research program investigating the pathogenesis and treatment of resorptive bone diseases including breast cancer bone metastases and rheumatoid arthritis...

Dr. Andrew Kraft's lab has been a leader in studying the Pim, a protein kinase that enhanced ability of the c-Myc gene to induce lymphomas. Over expression of Pim enhances the growth of human prostate cancer...

Dr. Emad Elquza specializes in cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, which include colon cancer, rectal cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, and cancer of the pancreas. He is actively involved in research and development of novel treatment options for patients with pancreatic cancer...

Dr. Tirdad Zangeneh's research interests focus on HIV management, Valley Fever and prevention of infection in heart, kidney and liver transplant patients...

Dr. Ken Knox's research includes correlating the lung microbiome/virome and inflammatory responses to clinical phenotypes in HIV as part of the NIH-funded INHALD consortium...

We are developing methods and devices to measure stress and immune biomarkers non-invasively in sweat , and methods to link human physiological, behavioral and psychological responses to environmental attribute exposures in real-time...

In the Division of Inpatient Medicine, Dr. Tejo Vemulapalli's team is actively involved in multiple process improvement projects, outcomes research and educational innovation, in addition to supporting other divisions with their enrollment of patients as we come across patients suitable for related research projects...

A common theme in Dr. Bhaskar Banerjee's research is to develop methods of disease detection in real-time and at the point of care, without the use of dyes or stains (label-free)...