Translational and Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Roberta Weintraut Awarded Alumna of the Year from Weil Center

Each year the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine (AWCIM) at the University of Arizona awards its Alumni of the Year award to a graduate of its educational programs who is advancing the field of integrative medicine. Open to graduates of the flagship Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, as well as the Integrative Health & Lifestyle program, nominations are solicited from previous graduates of these programs.

UA Research Shows Drug Can Extend Survival Rates for Heart Failure Patients

Researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix have shown for the first time in preclinical studies that Aliskiren, a drug that inhibits the enzyme that regulates blood pressure, can delay the progression of congestive heart failure and lengthen survival rates.

More than 5 million Americans live with congestive heart failure, a chronic progressive condition that occurs when the heart muscle doesn’t pump blood as well as it should.


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