Translational and Regenerative Medicine

Investigating HIV Comorbidities and Disparities in Women, Minorities and Immigrants

Lori Fantry, MD, MPH, is the program director of HIV Translational Research for the UA Division of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson. Her research includes sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among hospitalized patients; HIV in women; HIV and cancer; HIV and osteoporosis; HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, HIV and cardiovascular disease; and latent tuberculosis among immigrants.

UA College of Medicine – Tucson First Higher Ed Institution to Adopt Workplace by Facebook

Teaser image for story on Workplace by Facebook adoption at UA College of Medicine - Tucson

DOM Group webpage on Workplace by FacebookThe Department of Medicine Group homepage on Workplace by Facebook.

The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson launched a new collaborative platform this week to serve as a secure intranet, using the Workplace by Facebook app which was recently upgraded to add integration with Box, Dropbox and Microsoft.

UA Sleep Research Links Sleep Disturbances with Controlled, Illegal or Banned Substances Use among College Athletes

A new study by University of Arizona sleep researchers links sleep disturbance with the use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs among college athletes.  

In an analysis of survey data collected from 8,683 student-athletes at U.S. colleges and universities collected from 2011-2014 show sleep disturbance is strongly related to the use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs.


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