Translational and Regenerative Medicine

Translational Medicine Symposium refocuses research on practical remedies

[Jennifer Carew, PhD, welcomes Translational Medicine Symposium attendees and introduces opening keynote speaker Northwestern University’s Devalingam Mahalingam, MD, PhD, who spoke on oncolytic virotherapy.]

The inaugural Translational Medicine Symposium enjoyed a smaller but rapt audience Friday, March 22, at the HSIB Forum in the Health Sciences Innovation Building on the University of Arizona Health Sciences Tucson campus.

See a mini-photo gallery and video of the event below. The symposium's program can be found here as a PDF, including 11 poster presentations.

Immunobiology Seminar: ‘Single-cell to tissue-scale memory of infection and inflammation’

The Department of Immunobiology Seminar Series presents:  

“Single-Cell to Tissue-Scale Memory of Infection and Inflammation”

Presenter Details

Jose Ordovas-Montanes, PhD
Research Faculty, Division of Gastroenterology, Boston Children's Hospital
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School


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