Genetics GIDP Student Invited Guest Speaker
SPEAKER: Randall A. Heidenreich, PhD
TOPIC: "Medical Genetics: Chromosomes, Genes, and Biochemistry"
Dr. Heidenreich is the Chief of Genetics/Dysmorphology and Metabolism at UNM Hospital, The University of New Mexico. Dr. Heidenreich is currently leading a team of researchers who study genetic disorders, including the Niemann-Pick C1 gene interactions with a high fat diet and modifying genes to promote weight gain, differential association of Niemann-Pick C1 gene polymorphism with maternal pre-pregnancy overweight and gestational diabetes.
This presentation will survey the practice of medical genetics. Examples of chromosomal disorders, single gene disorders, and biochemical disorders will be presented. This presentation will highlight the complexity and rapidly evolving field of human medical genetics. Time permitting; the role of the NPC1 gene in Niemann-Pick type C disease and obesity will be discussed. Learn more...
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UA Institute of the Environment
Environment and Natural Resources Bldg. 2 (ENR2), Room N350
1064 E. Lowell St.
PO Box 210137
Tucson, AZ 85721-0137
For additional information, please contact: Cora Varas-Nelson,, or
Melanie Culver,