Arizona Geriatrics Society (AzGS)
29th Annual Fall Symposium
Friday & Saturday, Oct. 20 & 21, 2017
“Caring for Older Adults
Living with Advanced Disease”
Beatitudes Campus
1610 West Glendale Ave.
Phoenix, Arizona 85021
Please register today for the Arizona Geriatrics Society’s (AzGS) signature event, the 29th Annual AzGS Fall Symposium, Caring for Older Adults Living with Advanced Disease.
The event is this Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20-21, at the Beatitudes Campus in Phoenix. See the attached program and registration form for details: azgs-2017-fall-symposium-registration-flyer.pdf
If you are not a current member of AzGS, we invite you to join today and benefit from the reduced member registration rate:
If you’re not there, you’ll wish you had been!
Beatitudes Campus
1610 West Glendale Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85021
Contact: Please direct questions to (602) 265-0211 or