SPEAKER: Linda L. Garland, MD – Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine, UA Division of Hematology & Oncology, and Director, Clinical Lung Cancer Program, University of Arizona Cancer Center
TOPIC: “Aspirin Studies in Lung Cancer Prevention”
WATCH IT LIVE! (Video of this event also will be archived at this link for later viewing.)
WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017 | 9 -10 a.m.
WHERE: UA Cancer Center Leon Levy Building, Room 2920
This lecture is part of the UA Cancer Center’s Cancer Prevention and Control Seminar Series.
Bagels and coffee will be served.
About the Speaker 
Dr. Linda Garland is a thoracic medical oncologist and translational researcher with expertise in lung cancer and mesothelioma. She serves as director, Clinical Research in Thoracic Oncology, and director, Clinical Lung Cancer Program, at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Dr. Garland has designed investigator-initiated translational clinical trials with novel targeted agents in advanced lung cancer and mesothelioma. She participates in chemoprevention efforts at the UA Cancer Center through serving as co-investigator and medical director of the N01-supported UA Cancer Center’s Cancer Prevention and Control Program and the PI on sequential NCI-funded lung cancer prevention trials. She participates in translational collaboration with several basic scientists in preclinical development of novel cancer agents and imaging biomarkers.
Further, Dr. Garland collaborates with University of Arizona Biomedical Engineering in serving as a co-investigator for a randomized trial of a novel exercise intervention for cancer patients with peripheral neuropathy that provides evidence of improved balance outcomes relevant to fall prevention with the novel exercise intervention.
Dr. Garland previously served for 10 years on the University of Arizona Institutional Review Board (IRB) and currently serves as chair of the University of Arizona Cancer Center Scientific Review Committee.
CONTACT: Dianna Gilmore, Sr. Program Coordinator, UA Cancer Center, dgilmore@uacc.arizona.eu or (520) 318-7057.
UA Cancer Center Leon Levy Building, Room 2920
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719