EPI 696B
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2018
9:00 a.m.
UA Cancer Center, Conference Room 2920
(Bagels and Coffee will be served)
TOPIC: “Overcoming Stress Psychobiology to Promote Wellness in Cancer Survivorship”
SPEAKER: Thaddeus Pace, PhD | Assistant Professor, Nursing, Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Arizona, and member, UA Cancer Center
Presentation Summary: Preclinical and clinical studies demonstrate that stress-related physiological mediators are involved in the health-related quality of life impairments experienced by many survivors of solid tumor cancers, including breast cancer. For example, we and others have found that alterations in inflammatory mediators, e.g. nuclear factor-kappa B, are associated with symptoms of fatigue and depression in breast cancer survivors. This talk will review the stress psychobiology of cancer survivorship, and will also consider two pilot studies in Pace's lab with novel integrative interventions to promote wellness in cancer survivors and their informal caregivers.
If you wish to view this presentation at a later time, you may access the video at https://streaming.biocom.arizona.edu/home/?d=2018/11/7
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CONTACT: Dianna L. Gilmore, Sr. Program Coordinator, University of Arizona Cancer Center, (520) 318-7057 or dgilmore@uacc.arizona.edu
University of Arizona Cancer Center, Conf. Rm. 2920
Eugene F. Levy Building
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724