Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) Seminar
Wednesday, April 6th
9:00 am
(Bagels and Coffee will be served)
UA Cancer Center – Room 2920
"‘Mobilizing the troops’ – how exercise can help benefit cancer patients and improve immune cell therapeutics"
Richard Simpson, PhD, Associate Professor in Nutritional Sciences, Pediatrics and Immunobiology, University of Arizona
Presentation Summary: Exercise evokes a profound and almost instantaneous redeployment of leukocytes between the blood compartment, lymphoid organs and peripheral tissues. This fundamental fight or flight response has been purported as a key mechanism by which exercise can help protect against cancer across the entire continuum of prevention, treatment, and survivorship. This talk will focus on the role of exercise and adrenergic receptor signaling on immune cell mobilization, and how this ‘good’ stress response can be harnessed to improve stem cell transplantation and immune cell therapeutics.
If you wish to view this presentation at a later time, you may access the video at Click on ‘Centers of Excellence” then “Arizona Cancer Center”; scroll to the date desired.
In addition, CPC Seminars are now available, via Zoom. Please follow the link . If you do not currently have zoom, you will be prompted to download the free app. Alternatively, you can open your zoom app and join the meeting with 6021215414
CONTACT: Diana Gilmore, Sr. Program Coordinator,
University of Arizona Cancer Center Leon F. Levy Building, Room 2920
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724