Faculty Development Seminar Series - Session #2:
WHERE: Kiewit Auditorium (UA Cancer Center, UAHS Campus)
DATE: Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018
WHEN: Noon - 1 p.m.
Stephen W. Gilliland, PhD
Peter and Nancy Salter Chair in Healthcare Management
Professor of Management and Organizations
Executive Director, Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare
UA Eller College of Management
Deborrah M. Himsel, MBA
Senior Leadership Advisor
UA Human Resources
Adjunct Faculty with Eller Executive Education
UA Eller College of Management
“Leading Past Change Fatigue”
Are constant organization changes wearing you down? Do you feel like you just want to put your head down and hope that it goes away? You are probably not alone in these feelings – they are natural and normal during times of ongoing and sometimes uncertain organization change. For many, constant change is about ambiguity and frustration. For others, it’s yet again another disappointment and more unmet expectations. Individuals experience constant change in a variety of ways. In this session led by Stephen Gilliland and Deborrah Himsel, you’ll identify where you are in the change cycle and learn tools and tips for building your resiliency and increasing your engagement and energy as you move through the change journey.
Stephen Gilliland holds the Peter and Nancy Salter Chair in Healthcare Management and is executive director of the Eller College Center for Management Innovations in Healthcare. He also holds the Peter and Nancy Salter Chair in Healthcare Management. He has helped many leaders and organizations effectively managing change uncertainty and develop change leadership strategies.
Deborrah Himsel is a senior leadership advisor (internal executive coach) with UA Human Resources and adjunct faculty with Eller Executive Education. She has worked with numerous global organizations and their leaders in both leading and managing change.
All are welcome! Lunch will be provided.
If you are unable to attend, a recording of the presentation will be posted on the Faculty Affairs website.
* If the RSVP link does not work please copy and paste this URL into your browser: https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8watlpr5YtgtVEF
Contact: Eva Sanchez, esanchez16@email.arizona.edu or (520) 626-7294
View, download, post and share the flyer for this event here: Faculty Development Seminar Series 2.pdf
University of Arizona Cancer Center, Kiewit Auditorium
Eugene F. Levy Building
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724