Disease Causality and Intestinal Microbiota: Is Fecal Microbiota Transplantation the Answer?
Dr. Lawrence J. Brandt, professor of Surgery and Medicine in Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases at Montefiore Medical Center in New York, where he currently is the Emeritus Chief of Gastroenterology and Professor of Medicine and Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, will discuss the intestinal microbiome and give examples of how the microbiome can be changed to alter the outcome of patients suffering from a variety of illnesses, as well as what the future of fecal transplantation and manipulation is going to be.
Lunch is provided for all guests and will be served starting at 11:40 AM
Please RSVP for lunch count: http://bit.ly/Buffmire2018
The Flinn Foundation Buffmire Lecture begun in 1997, continues the Flinn Foundation’s commitment to bringing to Arizona leading practitioners and thinkers in the medical field.
DuVal Auditorium
Main Floor, Banner UMC-Tucson