Fri, 08/24/2018 - 11:00am
Department of Physiology Seminar Series Fall 2018
Friday, Aug. 24, 2018 | 11 a.m.
UA College of Medicine - Tucson, Room 5403
SPEAKER: Heddwen L. Brooks, PhD | Professor, Department of Physiology, and Division of Nephrology in the Department of Medicine; member, UA BIO5 Insititute, UA Sarver Heart Center, UA Center on Aging — University of Arizona
TOPIC: "Sex differences in T cell-dependent pulmonary hypertension: Role of menopause in disease onset"
Refreshments served at 10:50 a.m.
Contact: Marlise Bourland, (520) 626-7642 or
View, download, post and share the flyer for this event: Brooks Seminar Annoucement 8-24-18.pdf
Event Location:
University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, Room 5403
1501 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724