TOPIC: "The Lymphatic System and Lymphology: Past, Present and Future"
SPEAKER: Marlys H. Witte, MD | Professor and Director, NIH-Student Research Programs, Department of Surgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Noon - 1 p.m.
Auditorium 5104 ABCD, Ventana Medical Systems, 1910 E. Innovation Park Dr.
Through the Science Exchange Collaborative with Ventana Medical Systems, University of Arizona faculty will have access to distinguished speakers Ventana periodically invites to Tucson. The Collaborative's next lecture will be delivered by Marlys H. Witte, MD, professor and director of NIH-Student Research Programs at the Department of Surgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson.This lecture will introduce lymphology — the study of lymph, lymphatics, lymph nodes and lymphocytes in health and disease — and take you on a "fantastic voyage" through the lymphatic system.
Historic milestones, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, genomics and clinical disorders will be highlighted. In addition, a vision of "precision lymphology" will be discussed, along with the many unanswered questions that remain in this area. Examples of collaborations with Ventana founder Tom Grogan will be shared.
Due to limited space, these seminars are available to the first 20 UA faculty members who RSVP. Please contact Matt Peters,, to RSVP.
Visitors coming from the UA with MD degrees need to sign a form to be in compliance with the Sunshine Act.
Contact: Matt Peters,
FLYER FOR THIS EVENT: Ventana Research Forum 10-8-18.pdf
Ventana Medical Systems, Auditorium 5104 ABCD
1910 E. Innovation Park Dr.
Oro Valley, AZ 85755