UAHS-ODI Presents: ‘Latino Health Paradoxes’ with Dr. John Ruiz

Fri, 10/25/2019 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Presented by the University of Arizona Health Sciences Office of Diversity & Inclusion:

“Latino Health Paradoxes: From Epidemiological Phenomenon to Contribution Opportunities for Psychological Science”

John Ruiz, PhD
Associate Professor | Director of Health Psychology Track, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona

Friday, October 25, 2019
Noon-1 p.m.
Kiewit Auditorium

Limited seating! Refreshments provided.

RSVP by October 22, 2019:


Topic Background:
Latinos are the nation's largest racial/ethnic minority group yet knowledge of their physical health is less well documented or understood relative to other groups. Like other racial/ethnic minorities and undeserved populations, Latinos experiences significant educational, economic environmental, social, and physical health risks coupled with significant healthcare access issues.. These contradictory findings cast doubt on the generalizability of several tents of psychosocial health and health disparities, spur new questions regarding the nature of risk and the cause of such resilience, and generate opportunities factors shape health. This talk will introduce the issues, identify key themes, discuss the current status of the emerging social-cultural hypotheses of Latino health resilence, and offer considerations for future directions.

About the Speaker:
Dr. John M. Ruiz is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona. Dr. Ruiz’s program of research focuses on psychosocial influences on health. His NIH (NHLBI)-funded research examines relationships between individual level psychosocial factors, social behaviors, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk with an emphasis on biobehavioral mechanisms including social vigilance.In addition, Dr. Ruiz has recognized expertise in sociocultural aspects of racial/ethnic health disparities, particularly the epidemiological phenomenon referred to as the Hispanic Health Paradox.

Questions? Contact the UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion:  520-621-5531 or

Flyer for this event (please post and share with colleagues):
John Ruiz (1).png

Event Location: 

University of Arizona Cancer Center, Kiewit Auditorium
Eugene F. Levy Building
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719

Event Coordinator Name: 
Alma Aguirre-Cruz | Program Coordinator, Med-Start, UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion
(520) 621-5531
Event Contact Department: 
University of Arizona Health Sciences’ Office of Diversity & Inclusion