Brought to you by the UAHS Center for Rural Health, Arizona Public Health Association, Arizona Telemedicine Program and Southwest Telehealth Resource Center:
2019 AZ Legislative Update
Webinar: Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019, noon
Learning objectives:
- Be able to identify three bills currently being considered by the Arizona State legislature that would have a positive impact on public health.
- Be able to identify three bills currently under consideration by the Arizona State Legislature that would have a detrimental impact on public health.
- Be able to describe at least two ways in which webinar participants can undertake actions to influence bills under consideration at the Legislature.
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Heather Carter, EdD, is an assistant professor of practice in the UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and associate director of the Arizona Center for Rural Health. She also serves in the Arizona House of Representatives, from North Phoenix, and currently chairs the Health Committee.
Will Humble, MPH, has served in the field of public health in Arizona for more than 30 years, working for the Arizona Department of Health Services for 25 years, including six years as the director, where he led the initiative to integrate acute care and public health principles into Arizona’s behavioral health system. He served as the division director for health policy and program evaluation for the Center for Population Science and Discovery at the University of Arizona, and currently is the executive director of the Arizona Public Health Association.
Leila Barraza, JD, MPH, (moderator) is an assistant professor at the UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. She also serves as a consultant with the Network for Public Health Law – Western Region Office. Her research interests include studying the impact of laws and regulations on population health, both nationally and globally.
For more information, contact Jennifer Peters: - (520) 626-2254
Event Flyer (please view, download, post and share):
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