The Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program and UArizona Cancer Center present the following for the Cancer Biology GIDP Seminar Series:
David Calderwood, PhD | Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Cell Biology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
“Dynamics of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix”
Monday, April 15, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
UArizona Cancer Center – Kiewit Auditorium (Room 2951) or
Join Zoom Meeting: (Password can be found on the flyer below.)
Cancer Biology GIDP Seminar Series
Spring Instructor: Dr. Noel Warfel
About the Presenter
The ability of cells to sense, adhere to and remodel the extracellular matrix that surrounds them is essential for multi-cellular life. The broad goal of research in the Calderwood Lab is to understand the molecular basis of signaling to and from integrin adhesion receptors. We use a combination of structural, biochemical and cell biological approaches to investigate how integrin-associated intracellular proteins regulate integrin activation state, provide links from integrins to the actin cytoskeleton, control cell migration and morphogenesis, and assemble into signaling complexes.
Flyer for this lecture: cancer_biology_gidp_seminar_4.15.24_calderwood_flyer.pdf
University of Arizona Cancer Center, Kiewit Auditorium (Room 2951)
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
Virtual: (see flyer above for password)