News Archive: 2016

‘Tomorrow’s Cures Today,’ Inaugural Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Symposium, Jan. 30
January 8, 2016

The free event, presented by the University of Arizona Health Sciences, UA College of Medicine – Tucson and Banner – University Medical Center Tucson, is open to UA faculty, staff and students as well as health professionals and the public.

University of Arizona Arthritis Center’s 2016 Living Healthy With Arthritis Conference Addresses ‘Pain and Your Brain,’ Jan. 23
January 8, 2016

Conference features keynote speaker Dr. David M. Labiner, head of the UA Department of Neurology; a lunch roundtable and breakout sessions with doctors and alternative therapy practitioners.

UA Pediatric Pulmonary Center Receives $1.69M Grant from Maternal and Child Health Bureau to Train Leaders to Care for Kids with Pulmonary Disorders
January 8, 2016

The UA Pediatric Pulmonary Center serves as a regional and national resource center for training and educating the next generation of leaders who care for children with chronic pulmonary disorders within the disciplines of medicine, nursing, nutrition, social work, pharmacy and family advocacy.
