ACR Research Committee Picks UA Faculty Member for European Exchange
UA assistant professor of medicine and rheumatologist Ernest Vina, MD, was chosen by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Committee on Research to participate in the ACR/EULAR Exchange Program to attend the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology in London on June 8-11, 2016. The event, known as “eular 2016” for its sponsor the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), attracts about 16,000 delegates. As part of the exchange, Dr. Vina receives complimentary registration and a travel stipend of €2,500 to cover additional costs.
Dr. Vina Talks About Lupus in Latest Issue of Tucson Lifestyle
UA rheumatologist Ernest Vina, MD, an up-and-coming UA Arthritis Center physician-scientist, was featured in a Tucson Lifestyle article, "Tracking a Medical Mystery" (see p. 52 in November issue) about the latest treatments for lupus. This incurable inflammatory disease affects the joints, skin and internal organs. He and UA Rheumatology chief Kent Kwoh, MD, wrote on the topic recently for MedPage Today and Lupus Science & Medicine. Dr. Vina also was picked for an exchange program to attend the European Congress of Rheumatology in June 2016.
Healthy Joint Tips Focus of Most Recent Article from UA Arthritis Center Director
For the latest osteoarthritis care news from UA Rheumatology Division Chief C. Kent Kwoh, MD, read about “Tips for Maintaining Joint Health” in the November edition of the University of Arizona Life & Work Connections’ newsletter, WELLBEING. His insights include “maintain an optimal weight,” “exercise regularly” and “remember to stretch and warm up” before a workout. Click the above link to read his article.
UA Faculty, Researchers to Present at ACR Annual National Meeting
Ten members of the University of Arizona College of Medicine faculty and research teams will present at the 2015 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Meeting held Nov. 6-11 in San Francisco. The premier national scientific conference for professionals in research or health care delivery for patients with arthritis, rheumatic or musculoskeletal diseases, ACR hosts more than 15,000 domestic and international participants from about 100 countries.
Led by UA Division of Rheumatology Chief and UA Arthritis Center Director C. Kent Kwoh, MD, UA presenters’ topics include:
Usman Ajaz, MD, and Dominick Sudano, MD (senior author) – Podium Presentation – “Update in the Management of Biologic Response Modifiers and Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs Following Coccidioidomycosis”
- Michael Dohm, MD – Clinical Symposium – “Unusual Complications in Arthroplasty for the Rheumatologist”
- Tomoko Fujii, MD, MPH*; C. Kent Kwoh, MD (senior author) – Podium Presentation – “Are General and Central Adiposity Associated with MRI-Assessed Structural Changes in the Knees of Older Adults?”
- Rafael Grau, MD (senior author) – Poster Presentation – “Outpatient Consultation Requests: A Failure to Communicate”
- C. Kent Kwoh, MD – Podium Presentation – “Incident Frequent Knee Pain Is Associated with Changes in Semi-Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers of Inflammation”
- Javad Razjouyan, PhD – Podium & Poster Presentation – “Knee Pain Burden Is Associated with Decreased Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative; Knee Pain Burden Is Associated with Decreased Motor Performance: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative”
- Ernest Vina, MD, MS – Poster Presentation – “Patient Preferences for Total Knee Replacement Surgery: Two-year Follow-up”
Jin Zhou, PhD – Podium Presentation – “Impact of Knee Pain Frequency on Physical Function in the Osteoarthritis Initiative”
- Additionally, Dr. Kwoh will moderate two Clinical Symposia: “All Things Arthroplasty: Outcomes and Complications”; and “Racial Disparities in Rheumatic Diseases.” Dr. Vina will present an invited lecture titled “Impact of Race and Ethnicity on Outcomes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus” and Eric P. Gall, MD, and Jeffrey R. Lisse, MD, will host “Meet the Professor” sessions on osteoporosis and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, respectively.
* University of Pittsburgh