The University of Arizona Medical Center’s adult diabetes education program, based in the Abrams Public Health Center adjacent to UAMC - South Campus, recently received recognition by the Education Recognition Program (ERP) of the American Diabetes Association.
The UAMC - Diabetes Physician Offices there joins the Angel Wing for Children with Diabetes & Endocrine Disorders in achieving this honor. The Angel Wing for Children at UAMC - University Campus was awarded ADA ERP recognition for pediatric diabetes education in 2009.
The recognition was awarded based on the program meeting ADA-endorsed National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support programs. The ADA ERP is one of two certifying bodies deemed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for Diabetes Self-Management Training.
Maryam Fazel, PharmD, assistant professor, UA College of Pharmacy, and Alaa Bagalagel, PharmD, ambulatory care pharmacy resident, led the effort to obtain the recognition. “This is an independent verification that our comprehensive diabetes-management program at the UA Health Network meets or exceeds national standards,” Dr. Fazel said.
Dr. Fazel worked closely with endocrinologist Merri Pendergrass, MD, PhD, UA professor of medicine with the UA Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes Program director at UAHN and the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, in attaining this recognition. It’s good for four years and requires submitting an annual status report and undergoing an onsite audit. Dr. Pendergrass noted the ADA also requires numerous features to be included in the program. For example, in addition to providing a comprehensive educational curriculum, the program must have an advisory board and a plan evaluating program results and pursuing ongoing improvements. She added, “This assures patients that our team provides the very best care possible and gives them the tools they need to self-manage their diabetes.”
The UAMC adult diabetes program provides individual and group instruction for patients and their family members. The education team is a multi-professional effort of endocrinologists, pharmacists, dietitians and nurses.
The clinical program aligns closely with sessions offered in the Diabetes Prevention and Education Center (DPEC), also in the Abrams Public Health building. DPEC sessions, which are free to all patients and community members, include cooking demonstrations and education about healthy eating, exercise, medications and strategies to reduce diabetes and its complications.
For a current listing of diabetes educational sessions at UAMC – South Campus, visit DPEC’s webpage or search for “diabetes” at the “Find a Class or Event” webpage at
The University of Arizona Medical Center – South Campus will become Banner – University Medical Center South following the closing of Banner Health’s merger with the University of Arizona Health Network this month. This will create the Banner – University Medicine Division, which will encompass all clinical operations of UAHN including UAMC – University Campus (Banner – University Medical Center Tucson after the merger). To schedule an endocrinology appointment, please call (520) 694-8888.Visit to learn more.