Beginning Sept. 8, the UA Department of Medicine is sponsoring a new monthly Research Seminar Series to highlight the excellent academic accomplishments of our department.
“Speakers have been chosen to provide a broad base of subjects and approaches,” said Monica Kraft, MD, department chair and the Robert and Irene Flinn Endowed Professor of Medicine. “The overall goal is to present faculty’s work in a way that is accessible to a broad audience and to also attempt to introduce potential projects to the house staff and fellows. Thus, we see this as both an educational and recruitment opportunity for all presenters.”
The new Research Seminar Series is scheduled for the second Thursday of each month at noon in Room 8403 of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, and it is hoped that it will be well attended by all faculty, house staff and fellows. A light lunch will be served in the style of grand rounds. And the series will be livestreamed and archived for future viewing by UA Health Sciences BioCommunications.
The format will be two talks each session, with one senior and one junior investigator. Each will be about 20 minutes long with the remainder of the time for questions and discussion, said Jil Tardiff, MD, PhD, vice chair for research.
“And these lectures are for everyone—other faculty, fellows, residents—a lot of people serve in different roles and have different approaches to their research. It’s not all just about basic science, meaning microscopes and lab work. It’s also for those engaged in or hoping to do more with clinical research,” Dr. Tardiff said.
“We expect this to be an interactive forum,” she added. “We have this scheduled to lead into the Academic Half-Day for fellows and residents so that they’re inspired by some of the things they’ve just heard.” She acknowledged that the new series builds on work done at the recent Fellows Career Development Retreat as well as seed funding and other initiatives in the department to better support research among junior and senior faculty.
The first series will run through June 2017, with the following speakers scheduled:
- SEPT. 8: Dr. Monica Kraft, Div. of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine (PACCS)/UAHS Asthma & Airway Disease Research Center (ARC), and Dr. Julie Ledford, Dept. of Medicine/Immunobiology, ARC and BIO5 Institute (UAHS Room 8403)
- OCT. 13: Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, Div. of Nephrology, and Dr. Anita Koshy, Depts. of Neurology/Immunobiology (UAHS Room 8403)
- NOV. 10: Dr. Sai Parthasarathy, PACCS/Sleep Disorders Center, and Dr. Louise Hecker, PACCS/ARC/SAVAHCS (UAHS Room 8403)
- DEC. 8: Dr. Lawrence Mandarino, Div. of Endocrinology/UAHS Center for Disparities in Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, and Dr. Cristine Berry, PACCS/ARC/Pulmonary Function and Exercise Physiology Lab (UAHS Room 8403)
- JAN. 12: Dr. Jil Tardiff, Div. of Cardiology/Sarver Heart Center (SHC), and Dr. Franz Rischard, PACCS/Pulmonary Hypertension Program (UAHS Room 5403 - PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE)
- FEB. 9: Dr. Kent Kwoh, Div. of Rheumatology/UA Arthritis Center, and Dr. Tara Carr, PACCS/Adult Allergy Program (UAHS Room 5403)
- MARCH 9: Dr. Bhaskar Banerjee, Div. of Gastroenterology/Depts. of Medicine, Optical Sciences & Biomedical Engineering; and Dr. Christian Bime, PACCS/Medical Intensive Care Unit (UAHS Room 5403)
- APRIL 13: Dr. Andrew Kraft, Div. of Hematology-Oncology/UA Cancer Center, and Dr. Elizabeth Juneman, Div. of Cardiology/SHC and Outpatient Cardiology (UAHS Room 5403)
- MAY 11: Dr. Jason Yuan, Depts. of Medicine/Physiology and Div. of Translational & Regenerative Medicine, and Dr. Archita Desai, Div. of Gastroenterology/Liver Research Institute (UAHS Room 5403)
- JUNE 8: Dr. Elizabeth Connick, Div. of Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Ankit Desai, Div. of Cardiology/SHC and Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program (UAHS Room 5403)
Look for future communications regarding specific themes of their presentations. Questions? Contact the Chair's Office — (520) 626-6349.