Get a free bracelet in honor of American Diabetes Awareness Month for attending a workshop in November at the Diabetes Prevention and Education Center (DPEC) in the Abrams Public Health Center (google maps!) adjacent to Banner – University Medical Center South. DPEC offers free education on diabetes prevention and management, nutrition and healthy lifestyles for all community members. It provides information and tools to empower patients to take control of their diabetes.
- 29 million – more than 1 in 11 – Americans have diabetes
- Every 23 seconds, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with diabetes
- 86 million Americans are at risk for diabetes
- Diabetes causes more death than AIDS and breast cancer combined!
Download and share this flyer: English |
DPEC offers numerous workshops each week that are focused on nutrition, well-being, meal planning, support, fitness, cooking demos, weight loss, and more! Attend our workshops to learn about self-management during the holiday season.
To view, download and share the latest quarterly schedule of these workshops and other events, go to the webpage for the University of Arizona Division of Endocrinology.
Remember: If someone attends six (6) or more workshops by the end of December 2016, they’ll be entered into a raffle for a $100 gift card.
For more information and to register, call Rosi Vogel at 520-626-1609 or email
- Join us at the American Diabetes Association Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes on Sunday, Oct. 30, 8 a.m.-noon, Rillito Park, 4502 N. First Ave. Meet at the Banner booth and we’ll walk together! – details here.
For an entertaining afternoon, come hear UA anthropologist Dr. David Raichlen talk about “An Evolutionary Medicine Perspective on Physical Activity and Inactivity” at 3 p.m., Nov. 8, the next Endocrinology Grand Rounds, Room 5403, Banner – UMC Tucson/UA College of Medicine, 1501 N. Campbell Ave. – details and flyer here.
Diabetes Prevention and Education Center | 3950 S. Country Club Road • (520) 874-6477 •