special Pulmonary Research Conference will be held Monday, Aug. 22, with speakers Eugene Bleecker, MD, and Deborah Meyers, PhD, co-directors of the Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine Research and professors of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, and Immunologic Medicine at Wake Forest University Health Sciences/Wake Forest School of Medicine.
Video of the event will be livestreamed via the UA Health Sciences webcast services.
The subject of their presentations will be, respectively, “Genetics and Precision Medicine” and “Asthma Pharmacogenetics: Towards a Personalized Approach to Treatment”
The conference will run from noon to 1 p.m. in UAHS Room 8403 and a light lunch will be provided. Download and post the flyer here [PDF].
Dr. Bleecker has been a previous speaker at the University of Arizona, most recently in the Winter Lung Series Conferences put on by the UA Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Meyers was a presenter in February at the Weekly Colloquium on Problems in the Biology of Complex Diseases hosted at the BIO5 Institute by the Arizona Center for the Biology of Complex Diseases (ABCD), which is led by Donata Vercelli, MD.
They’re talks are co-sponsored by the UA Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, the UA College of Medicine – Tucson and the UA Health Sciences’ Center for Applied Genetics & Genomic Medicine and Asthma & Airway Disease Research Center.