Just in case you didn’t see them, the following news items from UA News may be of interest to faculty and staff of the UA Department of Medicine and its different divisions. Recent news items discuss the Zika virus spread to the Americas, integrative medicine to heal the health-care system, TechLaunch Arizona, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, brain mapping, improving cardiac arrest survival rates, nutrition, cancer care and tribal health:
FEB. 2, 2016
The Zika virus disproportionately affects the poor and this is why
Neighborhoods with running water are more likely to be spared infections such as Zika, according to UA professor Janick F. Artiola.
Read the story at Buzzfeed
JAN. 29, 2016
Zika: The Unexpected Pandemic – World unprepared as novel pathogens just keep coming
"We're still trying to figure out what's going on with Zika and microcephaly," commented Heidi Brown, PhD, of the University of Arizona in Tucson.
Read the story at MedPage Today
JAN. 27, 2016
Can Integrative Medicine change our broken health care system?
Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, says the future of American health care is bleak, though integrated medicine can help.
Read the story at Yahoo! Beauty
JAN. 26, 2016
Tech Launch Arizona Gets Boost as NSF I-Corps Site
The UA's commercialization office has been designated as an Innovation Corps site and will have funds to distribute to dozens of applicant teams over three years. READ MORE...
JAN. 26, 2016
Academic Game Show Funds Collaborative Project
As strangers quickly became colleagues and collaborators, a UA team's project — which included David Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD, UA professor of vascular/endovascular surgery and director, Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA), to raise awareness of the plight of Tucson refugees emerged as a winner. READ MORE...
JAN. 21, 2016
How climate change could help the spread of Zika virus and other infectious diseases
UA epidemiologist Heidi Brown cautions that concerns that climate change may influence the spread of Zika are not that simple.
Read the story at The Washington Post
JAN. 13, 2016
In Married Couples, Death May Not Entirely Do You Part
A person's quality of life at the time of their death continues to influence his or her spouse's quality of life in the years following the person's passing, according to new UA research. READ MORE...
Read the story at Science Daily
JAN. 13, 2016
Building Research Infrastructure for the Infinite
Between the recently rebranded CyVerse data management platform and the AIM Photonics consortium, the UA is at the leading edge of turning data into discovery. Part Two in a six-part series on stories to watch in 2016. READ MORE...
JAN. 13, 2016
Dr. Andrew Weil works to focus health care system on health
Dr. Andrew Weil of the UA seeks to create a new model for health care with an emphasis on health.
Read the story at Forbes
JAN. 12, 2016
UA's McGuire Students Build the Future They Imagine
Entrepreneurial projects include big-data analysis for social media engagement and commercialization of a drug to aid those suffering from Parkinson’s disease. READ MORE...
JAN. 11, 2016
NSF's iPlant Collaborative Rebrands to CyVerse
Formerly known as the iPlant Collaborative, the National Science Foundation-funded project expands its data management capabilities across several scientific disciplines. READ MORE...
JAN. 11, 2016
Breathing New Life Into the Study of Asthma
In the first installment of a six-part UANow series on stories to watch in 2016, UA Regents' Professor Dr. Fernando Martinez explains why he is taking a close look at the health of children in rural Amish communities. READ MORE...
JAN. 11, 2016
NSF's iPlant Collaborative rebrands to CyVerse
The NSF's premier data management platform for the life sciences has rebranded, shedding the project's original label of iPlant Collaborative and donning the new name CyVerse.
Read the story at Phys.org
JAN. 8, 2016
UA Pediatric Pulmonary Center receives $1.69M grant
The UA Pediatric Pulmonary Center received a five-year, $1.69 million renewal grant from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration.
Read the story at AZ Big Media
JAN. 7, 2016
Genetic variation linked to respiratory disease
UA researchers Julie Ledford and Dr. Monica Kraft are using genetics as a guide to develop new treatments for asthma and other lung diseases.
Read the story at Science Daily
JAN. 4, 2016
How to improve cardiac arrest survival in three easy steps
Dr. Bentley J. Bobrow, professor of emergency medicine at the UA College of Medicine, says more must be done to improve survival for this time-sensitive medical emergencies.
Read the story at Science Daily
And a few leftover from the holiday break you might have missed:
- Nutrition, weight management equally important during, after cancer care - (Healio, Dec. 21, 2015) - UA researchers are leading the largest trial ever undertaken to evaluate the role of diet and physical activity in promoting progression-free survival among women previously treated for ovarian cancer.
- 6 ways your body gets better with age - (Huffington Post, Dec. 21, 2015) - As people age, their self-confidence tends to increase, said Elizabeth Glisky, a UA professor of psychology.
- UA Researchers Develop Brain-Mapping Technology - (UANews - Dec. 16, 2015) - UA biomedical engineer Russell Witte is leading a $1.15 million NIH project with the potential to advance understanding of brain function and improve diagnosis and treatment of disorders.
- Embracing Health on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation - (UANews, Dec. 14, 2015) - Tribal members have been taking cooking courses through the UA's Garden Kitchen, a program that teaches them how to grow, buy, store and cook nutritious, low-cost food.
For the latest UANews, click here.