Go live on the launch of the new Cerner electronic health record (EHR) at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South clinical facilities will proceed as scheduled this weekend after midnight on Sept. 30 (or 12 a.m. Oct. 1—whichever comes first).
The new EHR replaces the Epic system adopted on Oct. 31, 2013, by the then University of Arizona Health Network , which merged with Banner Health in March 2015 resulting in creation of the Banner – University Medicine Division.
Aside from all the email messaging on this topic, we refer you to a quick guide from the hospital EHR transition team—
click here [PDF] (or on the image at left) for the "Cerner Countdown" issue for Sept. 28 and look for additional editions with the latest information still to come. The inaugural Sept. 21 issue can be found
here [PDF].
If you missed the UA/Banner Cerner Town Hall in DuVal Auditorium, Sept. 26, 6-7 p.m., you can watch the archived video from the event here: https://streaming.biocom.arizona.edu/event/?id=27747. Cerner representatives were onsite to answer your questions of faculty, fellows and residents.
It’s recommended that faculty and house staff use the TRAINA icon on any Banner computer to log-on and play with test patients for additional practice. It only takes about 20-30 minutes to become proficient. Refer also to FAQs and tip sheets on the Cerner Resource Center—these can be accessed through the eCoach icon in Cerner as well.
And remember, more than 1,200 Cerner “adoption coaches” are being deployed for seven weeks during 1,400 shifts to provide at-the-elbow support before, during and after the Cerner go-live. Just look for people wearing the Cerner blue polo shirts.
An overview of that transition can be found in the “Message from the Chair” from DOM Chair Monica Kraft, MD, in the last DOM e-newsletter, The Pulse (July-August)—see link to a presentation provided by DOM Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs Tammy Clark Ojo, MD, posted to Workplace by Facebook for the UA College of Medicine – Tucson.
Remember that the patient EHR web portal MyChart also will be replaced with MyBanner along with the larger Cerner transition.
Meanwhile, we leave you with the following short photo gallery of shots of folks preparing for go-live: