For physicians and others at the University of Arizona Department of Medicine involved in clinical research who are looking to get their studies listed on the UA Health Sciences Clinical Research Studies website, look for tips here on how to do just that.
That website—which serves as an interface to allow patients and research collaborators find out more about studies they potentially may want to be involved in either as part of the multidisciplinary teams conducting them or volunteer subjects—can be found at:
A few reasons a study may not be published at this website, according to Julie Johnson, research administrator for regulatory affairs, UAHS Research Administration, include:
• Research personnel are not completing the Optional Services page in the UAHS Research Intake Form (RIF). When this information is completed and the RIF is submitted, information for publishing on the website is transferred to the back end of the website every night at midnight. That information can then be reviewed and published to the website.
• Anticipated start and completion dates must be entered in the RIF.
• The anticipated project completion date entered in the RIF is past. Once this date has passed, the study will drop off the website.
“If a research team would like a study published, they will need to provide the specific information requested on the Optional Services page of the RIF, and I will be able to enter it in for them so that the information can transfer overnight to the studies.medicine website,” Johnson said.
She added that the Aug. 3, 2017, UAHS Announcements email included the August 2017 Research Administration Clinical Trials Newsletter, which includes an overview of the RIF for Amendments application process. Remember, be sure to check “yes” on the Optional Services page of the Research Intake Form and fully complete all the requested information to have your study published on the website.
For additional information that may prove of value to researchers in terms of additional support services available to them, see the UAHS Research Administration’s “Clinical Trials” webpage:
Or visit the UAHS Research Administration homepage:
For the latest research funding and other opportunities,
click here [PDF] for the Sept. 26 edition of the Weekly Digest newsletter from UA Research Development Services. Scroll to the bottom to subscribe to this newsletter.
“DOM Blog: Research Resources as Far as the Eye Can See (A Four-Part Mini-Series)” | Posted March 8, 2017
“UAHS Research Administration – Clinical Trials Newsletter (August 2016)” | Posted Aug. 10, 2016