Dr. Janardhanan Honored with Native American Cardiology Outstanding Service Award

Drs. Eric Brody and Raj Janardhanan with nurse Phyllis Sanderson and nurse practitioner Betsy PainterRaj Janardhanan, MD, was presented recently with the 2017-18 Outstanding Service Award by the Native American Cardiology and Medicine Program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson and Banner – University Medical Center Tucson.

The award was presented by Eric Brody, MD, medical director of the program, associate professor of medicine in the UA Division of Cardiology and a UA Sarver Heart Center member since July 2010. Prior to that, Dr. Brody served for 15 years as clinical services director and associate director of the Native American Cardiology Program, then a collaborative effort of the Indian Health Service and the University of Arizona Medical Center—now Banner – UMC.

At right, Drs. Eric Brody and Raj Janardhanan with nurse Phyllis Sanderson and nurse practitioner Betsy Painter

The Native American Cardiology Program's Outstanding Service AwardThe recognition was given to fellow UA Division of Cardiology and Sarver Heart Center faculty member Dr. Janardhanan for his participation over the past three years in weeklong medical trips to the Four Corners Area of Arizona, where the program hosts cardiology clinics each spring.

In addition, Dr. Janardhanan has been invited to chair the Multimodality Imaging Symposium at the American Society of Echocardiography national conference (ASE2018)(link is external) in Nashville, June 22-26. His session is on June 25 at 8 a.m.

And he participated as a member of the Contrast Update Writing Group of ASE in development of new echo contrast guidelines released this month. That document, “Clinical Applications of Ultrasonic Enhancing Agents in Echocardiography: 2018 American Society of Echocardiography Guidelines Update,” is available at this link(link is external).

A UA associate professor of medicine, Dr. Janardhanan is medical director for non-invasive cardiac imaging and director of echocardiography at Banner – UMC Tucson. He has been on faculty at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson for five years.

After earning his medical degree in India, Dr. Janardhanan had extensive clinical and research training in the United Kingdom in non-invasive cardiology at Whipps Cross University Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital in London. After completion of his Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) diploma in 2004, he became clinical project director of the Echocore Lab at Harvard University’s Brigham and Womens’ Hospital. He completed his clinical cardiology fellowship at the University of Virginia, followed by training in advanced multi-modality non-invasive imaging there as well. He has been involved in multicenter trials and frequently presents lectures nationally and internationally.

Dr. Janardhanan is fully certified in echocardiography with a diplomate in adult comprehensive echocardiography as well as Fellowship of the American Society of Echocardiography (FASE). This is the highest level of recognition in the field of echocardiography. His area of expertise includes 3-Dimensional echocardiography, for which he has served an editorial board member for 3D echocardiography for the ASE. He has a special interest in imaging in structural heart disease and interventional 3D-TEE during transcatheter and intra-operative procedures. In addition to advanced training in cardiac CT and board certification in nuclear cardiology, he has Level 3 training in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR).

—David Mogollón

“Dr. Janardhanan to Give ‘Tour of the Heart: How Advances in Imaging Improve Diagnostics and Guide Treatments’ – Feb. 15 in Green Valley" | Posted Feb. 16, 2018
“Cardiology’s Dr. Raj Janardhanan Speaks at World Congress of Echocardiography” | Posted Nov. 7, 2017
“Tucson Lifestyle ‘Features’ Janardhanan, Yeager among UA Top Doctors in 2016” | Posted June 29, 2016
“Patient Kudos to Dr. Janardhanan – ‘a great communicator’” | Posted June 22, 2016

Release Date: 
03/26/2018 - 3:15pm