With growing awareness of the opioid epidemic, clinicians and patients are seeking to decrease pharmaceutical use, turning to integrative therapies. An all-new online course developed by the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine expands medical training for pain treatment.
Current statistics on pain in the United States are overwhelming. Data from the National Health Survey reported that more than 50 percent of adults (126 million) experienced pain in the last 3 months and of these, 50 million reported bothersome or severe pain. Half of these reported the pain was chronic daily pain.
“Until recently, the conventional medical model primarily addressed pain with medications. Today we know the unintended consequences and we are committed to teaching health professionals a much broader set of strategies for managing pain,” said Victoria Maizes, MD, executive director of the UA Center for Integrative Medicine (UACIM).
The 11-hour curriculum for “Integrative Approaches to Pain Management” builds on established principles of integrative medicine and UACIM’s 24-year history of integrative health education. The course, which contains all new content, offers CME credit for physicians and CE credit for nurses.
For more information, or to enroll in the course, visit www.azcim.org/courses.
About the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
The University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (UACIM) is leading the transformation of health care by creating, educating and actively supporting a community that embodies the philosophy and practice of healing-oriented medicine. UACIM is internationally recognized for its evidence-based clinical practice, innovative educational programs and research that substantiates the field of integrative medicine and influences public policy. Since its creation in 1994, UACIM’s vision of making integrative care available to all is being realized worldwide: UACIM graduates now are guiding more than 1 million patients to take a greater role in their health and healing. To learn more about UACIM, please visit azcim.org or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.