The Graduate Medical Education Office at the UA College of Medicine – South Campus and Banner – University Medical Center South will co-host their 2nd Annual “A Pathway to Success” High School Health Career Fair in the La Galería conference room, Feb. 27, 5-7 p.m.
Eugene Trowers, MD, MPH, director of the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus, pointed out the groundswell of support for the inaugural career fair April 11 of last year came as a bit of a surprise
“Basically, two of our residents went down to a local TV show to drum up interest especially for kids who live in our catchment area and might be curious about careers in medicine or healthcare,” said Dr. Trowers, who’s also a UA professor of medicine and gastrointestinal services director at Banner – UMC South (BUMCS).
“The response was tremendous. It’s like a career and science fair combined, complete with door prizes. And it was so well received that they want to continue it.”
See a photo gallery from this year's event on the UA Department of Medicine Facebook webpage at this link. About 100 high school students, many with parents in tow, participated.
You can also see the event program, with the following speakers here:
Introductions: Roberto Swazo, MD and Norm Beatty, MD
Health career testimonial: Anthony Saenz, MD
Health career testimonial: Celia Valenzuela, MD
A few wise words: Andy Theodorou, MD – pediatrician and former CMO, Banner - UMC Tucson
Closing: Daniel Orta, MD
This year, organizers expanded attractions with booths for Pima Medical Institute and other community colleges. They’re shooting for 100 students, as compared to the 80 that came to the first event, said Lauren Wright, South Campus GME program coordinator from the hospital at 2800 E. Ajo Way. While more than 130 people reportedly attended last year’s event, many were parents, hoping to learn more about how to guide their children into health care professions.
Wright noted event committee members are working to include more high schools this year, too. They’re coordinating with guidance counselors at Sunnyside, Pueblo, Tucson, Desert View and Sahuarita High School. Interested students are asked to RSVP through their counselors or directly by calling (520) 874-2181 or emailing
Click here [PDF], or on the image at right,to download, view, post and share the flier for this event.
The evening begins with light dinner followed by speakers, who’ll offer students and parents an overview of the evening and personal stories on their career paths in health care. Last year, for instance, Francisco García, MD, then Pima County Health director and now assistant county administrator for Health Services, and South campus ER nurse Norma Mercado, RN, spoke about their experience growing up in nearby neighborhoods.
Then, participants will have an opportunity to go booth-to-booth to chat with clinical and other staff and learn about different medical professions, including but not limited to: Doctor, Medical Assistant, Physical Therapist, Pharmacist, Radiology Technician, Nutritionist, Social Worker, Respiratory Therapist, Nurse and Administrators.
Many booths feature hands-on activities such as intubating a child or adult simulation mannequin. A parent booth focuses on financing and the college application process. Guided tours will coincide, with alternating groups invited to see different departments in the hospital while others continue to go booth-to-booth.
As well as the GME Office, additional co-sponsors for the career fair include Banner – University Medicine (the academic division of Banner Health), the UA College of Medicine’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and Pima County Health Department.
Last year’s career fair was the brainchild of South Campus internal medicine resident physician Roberto Swazo, MD (on left at right), and former resident, now UA Infectious Diseases fellow Norm Beatty, MD (at right). They were supported by BUMCS Chief Medical Officer David Sheinbein, MD; UA College of Medicine – Tucson Interim Deputy Dean for Diversity and Inclusion and GME Assistant Dean – South Campus Victoria Murrain, DO; GME Administrator Jeanne Deinert, who passed away Dec. 23; Mary Gosciminski, senior coordinator, UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus, and Agnes Attakai, director of Health Disparities Outreach and Prevention Education with the UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health.
Dr. Murrain said she recalled hearing one student say, "Now, I know what I want to be... a nurse!" — after speaking with Mercado toward the end of the event. "She could relate to her personal experience."
New committee faces this year, include internal medicine resident Daniel Orta, MD, Graham Benner, a Banner respiratory care supervisor, and Bujii Ainapurapu, MD, associate director, UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus, and Wright.
Look for Drs. Swazo and company to once again head to the airways to publicize the event, including on an appearance on KGUN9’s Morning Blend. Check back for the time and date of the broadcast later.
—David Mogollón
“High School Students Pack House for First-Ever Banner – UMC South Health Career Fair” | Posted April 15, 2017
“South Campus Residents Push Health Care Jobs for the Underprivileged at April 11 Career Fair” | Posted April 6, 2017