Three resident physicians in the University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus capped off the Research Academic Half Day poster competition three weeks earlier with presentations during the Medicine Grand Rounds on May 16.
They presented—or gave “oral vignettes”—in the order of how their posters placed at Research AHD 2018, which was held April 27 in Kiewit Auditorium with 43 resident posters presented. Each maintained those positions in how their presentations were scored—first, runner-up and second runner-up.
RESEARCH POSTER: “Window of Opportunity Trial to Evaluate Change in PD-LI Expression in Triple Negative Breast Tumors in Response to the PARP Inhibitor Rucaparib” | Darien E. Reed, MD, PhD, and Pavani Chalasani, MD
PRESENTER: Darien E. Reed, MD, PhD
RESEARCH POSTER: “The Impact of HIV and CMV Co-Infection on the Aging Immune System” | Phan T. Saligrama, MD, PhD; Morgan J. Smithey, PhD; Carmine Martinez and Janko Nikolich-Žugich, MD, PhD
PRESENTER: Phan T. Saligrama, MD, PhD
RESEARCH POSTER: “Association of Aeroallergen Sensitization and Atopic Disease in the Sonoran Desert” | Ryan D. Buckley, MD
PRESENTER: Ryan D. Buckley, MD
Each presenter was introduced by Jawad Bilal, MBBS, one of four current chief residents in internal medicine at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson. All three presenters were questioned vigorously after their vignettes. If you missed their presentations, you can view them via archived webcast here:
Click here or on the image at right for a photo gallery from Drs. Reed, Saligrama and Buckley’s presentations May 16:
Apart from the resident competition during the Research AHD proceedings April 27, 10 fellows also presented posters and several quality improvement (QI) posters were on display.
You can view another photo gallery for the April 27 Research AHD competitions on the UA Department of Medicine Facebook webpage:
“Resident, Fellow Poster Winners Announced for Tucson Campus Research Academic Half Day” | Posted May 4, 2018
"Drs. Bilal, Adams and Low Picked for Top AHD Research Day Posters, Clinical Vignettes" | Posted May 24, 2017
“Four of 25 Tucson Campus IM Residents Take Top Honors in Research AHD Poster Competition” | Posted May 10, 2016