Two UA Research-hosted ‘NIH Grant Writing Workshops’ Tailored for Faculty, Postdocs, Feb. 15-16

Dr. Peg AtKissonUA Research Development Services (RDS), a unit of the UA Office of Research, Discovery & Innovation has two opportunities for researchers to attend workshops with Peg AtKisson, PhD—a former Tufts University neuroscience research investigator whose team was involved in bringing in $140 million in funded grants—to learn how to improve their applications for funding with the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

■ "Southern Arizona Biomedical Research Symposia – Planning and Writing Successful Grant Proposals”
Thursday, Feb. 15 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
UA Student Union Memorial Center, Santa Rita Room (3rd Floor


■ “NIH Grant Writing Workshop: Structuring Successful NIH Proposals & Revisions”
Friday, Feb. 16 | 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (for UA faculty)
UA Student Union Memorial Center


You also can add the two items to your personal schedule (via iCal, Outlook, Google and Yahoo! calendar) at either of the above links.

Both events are free although designed for different audiences—the first for UA post-docs and graduate students, the second for UA faculty.

Southern Arizona Biomedical Research SymposiaPostdoc & Graduate Student Workshop
The first event for postdoctoral scholars and graduate students is part of the Southern Arizona Biomedical Research Symposia 2018 series. The series is supported by the Arizona Biomedical Research Centre, a unit of the Arizona Department of Health Services. 

Participants will learn how to plan and write competitive grant proposals. While NIH and NSF funding mechanisms will be addressed specifically, the techniques and approaches are applicable to crafting proposals for all funding agencies.

Faculty Researcher Workshop
Registration by Feb. 1 is required for the NIH Grant Writing Workshop on Feb. 16. Seating is limited and available on a “first come, first serve” basis. Faculty interested in individual consultations via personal counseling sessions following the workshop (2:30-5 p.m.) with Dr. AtKisson must submit an application by Jan. 29 to UA Competition Space.

This seminar addresses both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to proposal writing success. The principles and fundamentals of good NIH proposal writing are emphasized, along with "how-to" practical tips and strategies. Participants will receive a copy of workshop materials. Lunch will be provided.

About Peg AtKisson, PhD, AtKisson Training Group
Dr. AtKisson received her doctorate (PhD) in neuroscience from Tufts University School of Medicine. After fifteen years at the bench in cell biology, cancer biology, neuroscience and nanotechnology as a technician, graduate student and consultant, she turned her training in science and background in writing toward the problem of effective communication in grant applications. As director of proposal development at Tufts, Dr. AtKisson made significant contributions to over $140 million in funded grants. She founded AtKisson Training Group in 2017. Learn more at: 

About UA Research Development Services
Research Development Services (RDS) at the University of Arizona is an integral part of the suite of research services provided by UA Research, Discovery & Innovation. Its mission is to help UA researchers and scholars identify funding opportunities, form effective teams, and craft winning proposals, with the ultimate goal of increasing the quality and quantity of externally funded research and scholarly activity at UA. Learn more at:

Release Date: 
01/16/2018 - 4:30pm