The University of Arizona Division of Integrative Medicine and UA Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) welcomed its 2018 Spring Class of Integrative Health & Lifestyle Program (IHeLp) members to Tucson this week for a 4-day retreat where students travel to Tucson for hands-on experience.
IHeLp is a 6-month, mostly online, certificate program for many allied health professionals including nurses, therapists, dietitians and mental health professionals. It encourages interprofessional health-care teams.
Launched in 2013, the program teaches the foundations of integrative health including the seven core areas: Nutrition, Sleep, Resiliency, Relationships, Movement, Spirituality and Environment. About 60 students go through the program per year.
This year’s spring class is pictured above with AzCIM founder and director, Andrew Weil, MD (in turquoise shirt), a UA professor of medicine and public health, and the Lovell-Jones Endowed Chair in Integrative Rheumatology at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson. To Dr. Weil's left (in black jacket) is UA assistant professor Robert "Rocky" Corker, MD.
The photo (which was posted to Twitter – see below) from this year’s retreat, Jan. 7-10, was shot Jan. 8 at the Westward Look Resort, where the event was hosted.
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The UA Division of Integrative Medicine—which operates largely through AzCIM—is one of fourteen divisions within the UA Department of Medicine, the largest department in the UA College of Medicine – Tucson.
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