Congratulations to Ruslav Rafikov, PhD, and Varvara Zemskova, daughter of Evgeny Zemskov, PhD, for their recognition as participants in the University of Arizona “On Our Own Time” (OOOT) art exhibit sponsored by the National Arts Program.
Dr. Rafikov won the top honors as the “Best In Show” winner for his black and white desert photograph entitled, “Small Talk.” Dr. Zemskov’s daughter won an honorable mention for her handmade doll, “Gul,” one of two she submitted for the competition. See a mini-photo gallery from the exhibit below.
Carolyn Bothwell, lead administrative associate in the Division of Infectious Diseases, also has two paintings included in the exhibit. She poses with one of the paintings below left (click to enlarge). See a mini-photo gallery of the show below.
The exhibit opened Jan. 28 in the lobby of the Biosciences Research Laboratory building, 1601 E. Helen St., west of the Medical Research Building and the Thomas W. Keating Bioresearch Building (aka, the UA BIO5 Institute). It runs through Saturday, Feb. 9, when an Artist’s Reception will be held, during which People’s Choice Awards will be announced, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
See the flyer announcing all the winners in the 2019 OOOT art exhibit at the UA here (or click image at right):
You’ll find a flyer about the exhibit itself here: 2019-ooot-ua-exhibit_flyer.pdf
Each of the Department of Medicine faculty members participating (or fathers of participants) are research assistant professors, Dr. Rafikov in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, and Dr. Zemskov in the Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine, both part of the University of Arizona Department of Medicine.
Dr. Zemskov himself submitted two photos for the competition and was a winner at the 2017 OOOT art exhibit for photographs of blossoming cactus flowers entitled, “My Cacti.”
He said he was very proud of his daughter for her work which requires a lot of fine detailed mixing of fabrics, crocheting and beadwork. She recently graduated from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill with a computer science degree. Her winning doll resembles a Japanese Pokemon character walking a dog.
Artists invited to participate in this exhibition include University of Arizona employees and their immediate family members. The National Arts Program provides materials and funding for this annual visual art exhibit, including cash awards totaling $3,450.
The UA has participated in the OOOT art exhibit coordinated through the NAP and UA Employee Recognition Program since 2010. Multiple other universities participate as well. To see prior UA participants, visit:
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MINI-PHOTO GALLERY (click image to enlarge):
Above photos courtesy of David Mogollon, communications coordinator, UA Department of Medicine.
EXTRA INFO: People's Choices
Pamela Wagner, administrative associate, Family and Community Medicine, UA College of Medicine – Tucson, who helped coordinate the OOOT Art Exhibit at the University of Arizona, noted that there were two People's Choice Award Winners this year. The first was a painting, "Pondering Cow," by Norma Trujillo, the spouse of Michael Trujillo, a manager with UA Sponsored Projects and Contracting Services. The second went to Hailey Koellisch, the daughter of Valerie Koellisch, who also is an administrative associate in the Department of Family and Community Medicine. The younger Koellisch submitted a series of powerful photos exploring the theme, "Why Can't No Mean No." Congratulations, all!
"See Your UA Colleagues' Photos, Paintings and More at 'On Our Own Time' Exhibit" | (UA-@-Work/Lo Que Pasa) Posted Feb. 5, 2019