Cardiac Rehabilitation team – including Allison Trapper, Jody Ransdall, Munira Anwar, Sabrina Suarez and Sarah McBride – recognized as Banner Health Heroes as grateful patient extolls on exceptional care.
Congratulations to the Banner – University Medicine Cardiac Rehabilitation team for its recognition as Banner Health Heroes.
Allison Trapper, Jody Ransdall, Munira Anwar, Sabrina Suarez and Sarah McBride earned the recognition from a grateful patient who felt they had received exceptional care and made a philanthropic gift in the team's honor to the Banner Health Foundation.
The patient shared: "My 26 sessions were amazing and they were so great in their care.”
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is run by the Division of Cardiology in cooperation with the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center and Banner – University Medicine Tucson.
This was first reported in the July 6 BUMT Weekly Newsletter.