Fall 2023 Data Science Fellows applications due Aug. 1

Each semester, a new cohort featuring up to six Data Science Fellows will be offered. Fellows are expected to attend and participate in twice weekly virtual training activities. Fall 2023 semester participants will be awarded a $7,000 stipend for successful completion of the program.

Fellows will attend Foundational Open Science Skills. FOSS sessions take place every Thursday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. The following Tuesday of each week from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. will be an applied health science focused discussion on the topic from the previous FOSS session and an opportunity to follow up on the content. A weekly update via a GitHub repository will be due every Monday at 12 p.m. Fellows are expected to interact with each other, students, faculty and researchers affiliated with the Data Science Institute and contribute to the vibrant University of Arizona data science community.

At the end of the Data Science Fellows program, fellows will be required to present a workshop to their lab or department sharing one or more tools learned and applied during the training program.

Prior to the start date of the program, participants should be enrolled in a graduate level program related to health sciences. Participants not in a health sciences program, but whose research is directly related to health sciences research are eligible. Successful participants should have a project in the works that will benefit from open science principles and data science techniques. Candidates are expected to have a health sciences focus, a strong desire for interdisciplinary collaborative work, a willingness to help others and an interest in developing the data science support community on the UArizona campus.

Application Process
Applications for the fall 2023 Data Science Fellows program are due by Aug. 1, 2023, at 5 p.m.  

To apply for the fall 2023 cohort, complete the Google form, Data Science Fellows Program.

For questions and more information about the Data Science Fellows program, contact Rudy Salcido.

Apply here
More information about the Data Science Fellows Program

"Training and Retaining Home-grown Data Scientists" | Posted June 3, 2022

Release Date: 
07/06/2023 - 9:15am
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