Rheumatology, Arthritis Center add ‘Joint Space’ podcast to community outreach

[Logo for new Joint Spaces podcast for University of Arizona Arthritis Center]The University of Arizona Division of Rheumatology in the Department of Medicine and the Arizona Arthritis Center have a busy fall ahead of them with, in addition to their normal community outreach calendar, the kickoff for a new podcast, Joint Space, which launched today – Tuesday, Aug. 20.

[Portrait of C. Kent Kwoh, MD]For this 40-minute inaugural episode, Rheumatology Division Chief and Arthritis Center Director C. Kent Kwoh, MD, MACR, expounds on the topic, “Joint Pain Explained: A Master Class on Joint Health.” Dr. Kwoh, also the Charles A.L. and Suzanne M. Stephens Endowed Chair in Rheumatology and a professor of medicine and medical imaging in the U of A College of Medicine – Tucson, has headed the division and center since 2013.

Show highlights include:

  • What causes osteoarthritis (OA)?
  • What are the most common forms of arthritis?
  • How significant is the genetic component in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout, and OA?
  • What generates pain in arthritis?
  • How are these conditions diagnosed?
  • What are different levels of pain management treatment for OA?
  • How does stem cell and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment help with pain and stiffness for OA?
  • Is this a new era in treatment for RA?
  • Is remission possible for a patient with RA?
  • What is the first course of action for OA, RA, and gout?
  • Where is research on knee OA today, and what can people expect to see in the future?

Most episodes going forward will be 30 minutes long and come out every six weeks, said Tracy Shake, center community outreach and education director. The podcast will explore a range of topics with respected experts and brilliant minds who share insights on leading-edge research, clinical care, treatments, and medical innovations to help patients discover new pathways to health and wellness at the center.

[Portraits of Ernest Vina, MD, and Dylan Lee, MD]Upcoming topics for Joint Space include Episode 2: “Q and RA,” a Q&A on rheumatoid arthritis (drop date: Oct. 1) with Ernest Vina, MD, associate professor of medicine and program director of the Rheumatology Fellowship; and Episode 3: “All About Gout,” (drop date: Nov. 12) with Dylan Lee, MD, an assistant professor in the division.

The podcast is produced by Greg Gilles, an Arthritis Center research technologist and marketing specialist. It’s available on all major podcast platforms: Apple PodcastsSpotifyYouTubeAmazon MusicAudible, etc.

Subscribe today!

A full fall calendar

Meanwhile, the division’s and center’s traditional outreach outlets via its Living Healthy With Arthritis lecture series, the LHWA Active (exercise & mediation) series and the Bear Down Celebration (held in partnership with U of A Athletics) also will take place this fall. With that, you can expect the following:

Sept. 14, 2024 | 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. | HSIB Plaza*
Living Healthy With Arthritis Active – Gentle Stretch

*Front part of HSIB Forum in U of A Health Sciences Innovation Building

[Portrait of Julie Jernberg, MD]Sept. 24, 2024 | 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. | Hacienda at the Canyon, 3900 N. Sabino Canyon Road, Tucson
LHWA Lecture: “The Interplay of Climate Change and Health” – Julie Jernberg, MD **

**Dr. Jernberg is director of the Arizona Climate and Health Group at U of A Research, Innovation & Impact. She’s also an associate professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, director of the DOM’s Ambulatory Medicine Clerkship and Health and Societies Thread. This is a reprise of a popular panel discussion last spring that drew a lot of media attention around a study on the impact of extreme temperatures on older people’s health.

Oct. 10, 2024 | 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. | HSIB Forum
U of A Arthritis Center Bear Down Celebration dinner with Coach Adia Barnes and the U of A Women’s Basketball team

Oct. 12, 2024 | 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. | HSIB Plaza
LHWA Active – Meditation

[Portrait of Joshua N. Farr, PhD]Nov. 6, 2024 | 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. | HSIB Forum
LHWA Lecture: “Promote and Protect Your Bone Health: An Expert’s Inside Look at Aging and Bone Health” – Joshua N. Farr, PhD***

***Among 15 new DOM faculty members in August, Dr. Farr joined the Rheumatology Division’s faculty as an associate professor and the Ethel McChesney Bilby Endowed Chair in Osteoporosis at the U of A Arthritis Center.

Nov. 16, 2024 | 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. | HSIB Plaza
LHWA Active – Meditation

For the most up to date information on events listed above as well as the Annual Living Healthy With Arthritis Symposium (in the spring), see the Arthritis Center’s Community Outreach webpage, or visit the DOM Events webpage or U of A Health Sciences Connect Calendar.

“Fifteen new faculty to join Department of Medicine in August” (including Dr. Joshua Farr) | Posted Aug. 6, 2024
“Gallery: DOM faculty anchor Climate Change panel at Arthritis Center symposium, grab headlines” | Posted May 6, 2024
“Climate change and health focus of Living Healthy with Arthritis Symposium” | Posted April 25, 2024
“Arthritis Center Director C. Kent Kwoh, MD, Named Master of the American College of Rheumatology” | Posted Nov. 7, 2023

Release Date: 
08/20/2024 - 9:45am