The Science of Consciousness Conference - April 2-7, 2018

‘The Science of Consciousness’ Conference will be held from April 2-7, 2018 at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort  in Tucson.

Call for Abstracts, Pre-Registration and Workshop Proposals

The Science of Consciousness (‘TSC’) is an interdisciplinary conference emphasizing broad and rigorous approaches to all aspects of the study and understanding of conscious awareness. Topical areas include neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, biology, quantum physics, meditation, altered states, machine consciousness, the nature of reality, culture and experiential phenomenology.

Held annually since 1994, the conference is hosted by the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, and alternates yearly between Tucson, Arizona and various locations around the world. Information and video from the 2017 TSC conference in San Diego may be found at these sites: is external)

The next 'TSC', The Science of Consciousness, will be April 2-7, 2018 in Tucson Arizona

2018 Conference Themes
Are We Living in a Matrix-like Simulation?
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Consciousness
Consciousness, Pain and Addiction
Gene Editing and Consciousness
Binding, Integration and Synthesis of Consciousness
Brain Mapping and the Connectome
Anterior and Posterior Cortex: What's 'Hot' and What's Not?
Anesthetic and Psychoactive Drugs
Language and Consciousness
Non-Invasive Brain Modulation
Origin and Evolution of Life and Consciousness
Panpsychism, Idealism and Spacetime Geometry
Quantum Brain Biology 
Time, Free Will and Consciousness

Plenary Speaker list will be announced soon

Program Outline                                                 
Pre-Conference Workshops:
Monday April 2 (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) and (2:00-6:00 p.m.) and Tuesday April 3 (morning only)       
East West Forum:   Monday full day (9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)
Conference Opening:  Plenary 1 – Tuesday April 3  (1:45 p.m.)      
Opening Reception: Tuesday April 3  (6:30 p.m.)   
Plenary Sessions: Tuesday April 3 through Saturday April 7
Poster Exhibits: Wednesday April 4 and Friday April 6 – with evening receptions
Concurrent Sessions:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday April 3,4,6 (5:00-7:25 p.m.)
Optional Dinner: Thursday April 5 (6:30-10:00 p.m.)
Poetry Slam/Talent Show/Zombie Blues: Friday April 6 (10:00 p.m.-12 midnight)
End of Consciousness Party: Saturday April 7 (8:00 p.m.-Xxx?)

The Center for Consciousness Studies,  University of Arizona, Tucson
The Center for Consciousness Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

TSC 2018 Program Committee                                   
Chair: Stuart Hameroff, Co-Chairs: Tom Bever, George Mashour                                 
John JB Allen, Harald Atmanspacher, Abi Behar-Montefiore, Betsy Bigbee, Alvin Clark, 
Eve Isham, Mary Peterson, James Tagg, Erik Viirre, Nancy Woolf, Jay Sanguinetti, Paavo Pylkkanen



  • Online Abstract Submission system, Registration Payment




October 15 - Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals Deadline
October 30 - Pre-Conference Workshop Notifications
December 1 - General Conference Abstracts Deadline
November 1 - December 15 - General Conference Abstract Notifications
December 1 - Early Registration Deadline
February 15 - Final Program and Abstract Revisions

Registration Fees
Standard                                 $550
Students                                 $450
Seniors/Alumni/Spouse        $450
Workshops                             $50-$75 (will post by November 15)  
Thurs. Dinner                         $60 - live music  

Registration Includes:
Tuesday Welcome Reception
Wednesday and Friday Lite Poster / Evening Club Receptions
Saturday Closing party dinner

Thursday afternoon – free time
The Hotel offers free shuttles to:   
Sabino Canyon - is external)

Additional activities will be announced.

Thursday Dinner – optional
7:00-10 p.m.

Contact: Abi Behar Montefiore, sends e-mail), 520-621-9317

Release Date: 
09/15/2017 - 7:17am
Original Story: