The C Diff Foundation has extended a special offer to faculty, fellow and resident trainees, and students at the UA Department of Medicine for free registration at the Fifth Annual C. diff. Awareness Conference & Health Expo on Nov. 9-10 in Las Vegas.
Forty seats are still available.
Join 200 health-care professionals to share the latest data on prevention, treatments, environmental safety focused on Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), a healthcare-associated infection, irritable bowel syndrome and disease (IBS/IBD), as well as fecal transplant procedures and more.
Thursday, Nov. 9 – 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 10 – 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
WHERE:UNLV Thomas and Mack Center, 2nd Floor Pavilion
University of Nevada – Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154
Those interested in taking advantage of the waived registration fee should email David Mogollon, communications coordinator, UA Department of Medicine, They should receive an email confirmation from the C Diff Foundation shortly afterward.
New SHEA/IDSA Clinical Guidelines
Nancy Caralla, foundation executive director, is excited as the event coincides with new “Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults” expected to be released before the conference this fall. These guidelines—coordinated jointly by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)—were last updated in 2010.
“It’s going to be a fantastic program,” Caralla said. “We’ll have Dr. Nicola Petrosillo from Rome who’ll speak about infectious disease and C. dff. from a European perspective, Dr. Cliff McDonald from the CDC is calling in special on Friday to talk about a C. diff. update and Dr. Stu Johnson of Loyola hopes to have the new clinical guidelines out to discuss. The national guidelines are going to be released just before this.”
Drs. McDonald and Johnson were among the 2010 C. diff. guidelines authors and are participating on the update, too.
Rooms at the host hotel, Embassy Suites, are discounted to $119, with less expensive accommodations nearby.
For more details on the conference, click here:
Surviving Irma
Caralla said she was grateful for all the support the C Diff Foundation has gotten in the past few weeks, as its home office is in New Port Richey, Fla., southwest of Tampa. Their building was inundated with water from Hurricane Irma, which struck the area Sept. 11.
“We lost about 4,000 brochures and 2,000 post cards, things we needed for the conference,” she said. “Thank God, with the computers and all the documents and hard copies, we took out a safe deposit box at the bank. Those can be recreated. Everything was safe, but we couldn’t get to it because the power was out. Then, the cell phone tower fell over and we had no phone for 10 days. I didn’t get electricity back even in my own home until last Friday.”
About the Foundation
The C Diff Foundation, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, established in 2012, and comprised of 100 percent volunteer professionals dedicated to supporting public health through education and advocating for C. difficile infection (CDI) prevention, treatments, environmental safety, and support worldwide. Foundation members, as Volunteer Patient Advocates, successfully “Raise C. diff. Awareness” nationwide and in 56 countries—and host a U.S. nationwide information hotline (1-844-FOR-CDIF) to support health care providers, patients, and families manage through the difficulties of CDI among many other programs. Click on the image to access "C. diff. Spores & More" live broadcasts (Tuesdays 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET) at
“DOM Blog – Quality & Safety: Had a patient with C. diff. lately?” | Posted April 21, 2016