Jerome Rotter, MD | Curtis Coughlin, MS, MBe, CGC
May 9, 2018 | 8:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Kiewit Auditorium, UA Cancer Center
The Third Annual Precision Medicine Symposium brings speakers from across the country to discuss recent advances, current challenges, and promising future applications of precision medicine.
This year, we welcome UCLA’s Jerome Rotter, MD, to discuss cardiovascular genomics, and the University of Colorado Denver’s Curtis Coughlin, MS, MBe, CGC, to talk about ethical challenges in genetic counseling.
In addition, speakers from the UAHS campus will give presentations on exciting precision medicine programs at UA. This year's symposium will explore clinical genetics and genetic counseling, and precision medicine in neurology.
Space is limited! Register today at:
CONTACT: Valerie Schaibley, PhD -
Flyer for this event: 2018 Precision Medicine Symposium.pdf
University of Arizona Leon F. Levy Building, Kiewit Auditorium
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85724