Building Better Bones: The Future of Bone and Cartilage Regeneration

Wed, 03/13/2019 - 6:00pm

About the Lecture:

Join the fight against arthritis and learn from leaders in the field of bone and cartilage regeneration in this special presentation. 
UA and national experts John Szivek, PhD, and David Margolis, MD, PhD will share their groundbreaking research discoveries designed to combat the pain and disability that can result from osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis.  This debilitating disease, which affects more than 30 million Americans, presents a substantial physical, psychological and socioeconomic burden on today’s society.  Scientists at the UA Arthritis Center want to change all of that.  Their notable work in bone and cartilage regeneration offers new hope for the future in the battle against the debilitating effects of arthritis.
Recently awarded a $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense, Dr. Szivek will also share the latest information detailing this five-year study on how bone formation can be accelerated using a combination of 3D printing and adult stem cells.

Event Location: 

DuVal Auditorium
Banner - University Medical Center Tucson
1501 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, Arizona 85724

Contact Info: 

CONTACT: Tracy Shake, (520) 626-6046 or