A journey from an immigrant girl to a pharmacist, educator and researcher - Jeannie K. Lee, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, FASHP (APAHM Speaker Series)

Wed, 04/24/2019 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion presents:

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Speaker Series

A journey from an immigrant girl to a pharmacist, educator and researcher

Jeannie K. Lee, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, FASHP
Assistant Dean of Student Services
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science, UA College of Pharmacy
Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine & Palliative Medicine at the UA College of Medicine
Research Associate and faculty, Arizona Center on Aging
Dr. Jeannie Lee has board certifications in pharmacotherapy and geriatric pharmacy, and is a Fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). She practices interprofessionally at the Banner University Medical Center Geriatrics Clinic and serves as faculty liaison to the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System.
Dr. Lee is currently working on the NIH-funded “Medication Adherence, Health Literacy and Cultural Health Beliefs (RxHL)” project in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts School of Public Health; and on “Medication Education, Decision Support, Reminding and Monitoring System (MEDSReM) in collaboration with the UA College of Nursing and University of Illinois.
A graduate of the University of Georgia, College of Pharmacy, Dr. Lee completed her residency training at the VA Medical Center in Washington, DC. Her multiple honors include the U.S. Army Commander’s Award for Civilian Service (twice received), Ralph D. Arnold Army Pharmacy Research Award, Mel Liter Clinical Pharmacy Award, Association of Military Surgeons of United States’ Circle of Excellence Award, ASHP Foundation’s Pharmacy Practice Research Literature Award (three times received), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Innovative Adherence Educators Challenge Award, Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy’s Excellence in Geriatric Pharmacy Practice Award, and UA College of Pharmacy Clinical Science Educator of the Year (twice received). Dr. Lee is a selected member of the National Institute on Aging Health Disparities Resource Persons Network. She is passionate about research in medication adherence and aging, and interprofessional education, practice and research.
Questions? Please contact UAHS ODI at 520-621-5531 or uahs-odi@email.arizona.edu(link sends e-mail).
Event Location: 

UA College of Nursing, Room 105

Event Coordinator Name: 
Rodrigo Valenzuela-Cordova
(520) 621-5531
Event Contact Department: 
UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion