Ryan C. Wong, MD

  • Director, Internal Medicine Sub-Internship
  • Assistant Professor, Medicine (Clinical Series Track)
  • Core Faculty, Internal Medicine

Ryan Wong, MD, is an Arizona native. He completed medical school and residency at the University of Arizona. He served as Internal Medicine Chief Resident here before attending the University of Washington for Nephrology Fellowship. While in Seattle, he was awarded Consultant of the Month honors and selected by his peers to serve as Chief Fellow. During his fellowship, he completed the Teaching Scholars Program through the University of Washington School of Medicine Center for Leadership and Innovation in Medical Education in 2021. After fellowship, he returned to Tucson as a part of the University of Arizona Division of Nephrology. He serves as both Core Faculty for the Nephrology Fellowship and the Internal Medicine Residency Programs. He is also director of the Internal Medicine Sub-Internship rotation for the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson. Additionally, he cares for patients with Fabry’s disease as well as staffs the multi-disciplinary kidney stone clinic.

Research Interests: 

CRRT, peritoneal dialysis, hypertension, onco-nephrology, and medical education. 

  • MD: University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, Tucson, Ariz.
  • University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Program - Tucson Campus, 2015-2018
  • University of Arizona, Internal Medicine Chief Resident, 2018-2019
  • University of Washington, Nephrology, 2019-2021
  • University of Washington, Nephrology Chief Fellow, 2020-2021
Board Certifications
  • American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine - General
  • American Board of Internal Medicine, Nephrology - Subspecialty