Writing Through the Intersections: Identity, Diversity and Autobiography

Thu, 08/01/2019 - 11:00am to 2:00pm

Writing Through the Intersections: Identity, Diversity and Autobiography

Presented by the UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion

Workshop Facilitator: Stephanie Troutman, PhD

Dr. Troutman is a Black feminist scholar, mother and first-generation college student. She is the Associate Professor of Emerging Literacies in the Rhetoric, Composition and Teaching of English program in the English Department at the University of Arizona and director of two outreach projects between the University of Arizona and Tucson schools: Wildcat Writers and and the Southern Arizona Writing Project.
This workshop will focus on the personal writing genre within the context of college composition. Participants will be guided through activities that focus on form, language and style, to produce (written) identity narratives! These narratives will be rooted in and composed via concepts from critical theory, emerging literacies, reflective writing, and intersectional frameworks. Using student-centered approaches, feminist pedagogies and best practices in the teaching of writing (and composition) the workshops will be interactive and include scholarly presentation, mini-assignments, peer-sharing, writing prompts and small and large group discussion. The finished product will be a draft of the identity narrative, which participants may use for a variety of purposes and/or in multiple contexts. The only prerequisites are an open-mind, interest in diversity and storytelling, and a desire to understand self and others better/more fully through engaged and thoughtful idea sharing and reflective writing.
Session 1: Thursday, August 1, 2019
Drachman Hall, Room A114
Lunch: 11:00 am-Noon
Workshop: Noon-2:00 pm
Session 2: Monday, August 5, 2019
Drachman Hall, Room A114
Lunch: 11:00 am-Noon
Workshop: Noon-2:00 pm

Writers (students, staff, faculty) of all levels and backgrounds are welcome.

This workshop consists of two sessions. Please ensure you can attend both sessions before registering.
Food provided! Lunch begins at 11:00 am.
Please RSVP by July 30, 2019: http://bit.ly/wrt-wrkshop(link is external)
Event Location: 
University of Arizona College of Public Health
Drachman Hall, Room A114
Event Coordinator Name: 
Rodrigo Valenzuela-Cordova
(520) 621-5531
Event Contact Department: 
UAHS Office of Diversity & Inclusion