Film Screening: “Who is Dayani Cristal”
Thursday, August 29, 2019
5:30 pm
Drachman A114
(Parking after 5 p.m. is free.)
LUCHA (Learning, Understanding and Cultivating Health Advocacy) is a network of students, faculty, staff and community members which connects students to community service opportunities in order to cultivate awareness for border health and human rights issues in the U.S.-Mexico border region.
Free Film Screening and Panel Discussion
To start off the school year on August 29th at 5:30, LUCHA (Learning, Understanding and Cultivating Health Advocacy) will be showing the film “Who is Dayani Cristal” (with actor Gael Garcia Bernal) in Drachman Hall A114. This film provides a comprehensive examination of the complex issue of migration focusing on the Arizona-Sonora border. It is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the reasons why people migrate and what just and humane solutions we (as a university, community, and members of the public health community) can work towards in the policy arena. Following the screening we will have a short panel of experts with concrete opportunities for community engagement on these issues in Tucson.
Click here, or on the image above left, for the flyer for this event.
If you can’t join us in person, you can stream the event by following this link: is external)
Learning, Understanding & Cultivating Health Advocacy (L.U.C.H.A), UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health — sends e-mail) | Facebook: @LUCHAMEZCOPH(link is external) |
To request any disability-related accommodations for this event please contact the event coordinator at least three business days prior to the event.
University of Arizona Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Roy P. Drachman Hall, Rm. A114
1295 N. Martin Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
(Google Maps Directions(link is external) – parking free after 5 p.m. )